If asked to join the Freemasons....would you join?



Good find with that YouTube comment. The guys conclusion is that Freemason worship a gas lol.
From the the surface, the name phosphorus as it relates to Lucifer came before the element was found on earth. But still .. for it to be vital for human life as it relates to DNA is pretty interesting.

another thing that might be relevant is astrology. The “morning star” is one of those secret society names for Venus. That morning star name is also given to Lucifer but shared with Jesus on the Bible. I also just read that Scientist are trying to find life on Venus ever since they found a phosphorus gas on the planet. Most Freemason wouldn’t have a clue what any of this means but.. if they studied their seven arts and sciences (astrology included) then they would be all into this kind of stuff in the high levels of the craft. It’s the same stuff that the Egyptian pharaohs studied and I think that alignment of the pyramids have something to do with Venus. Interesting stuff that they don’t want civilians to know about
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I got some Mason stories ..and a pretty broad understanding of such personalities of those who join these organizations. Due to alot of internal insight from Masons I know, but I'm quite sure I'll piss folks off here and hurt some feelings with blunt honest truth.🤣
I got some Mason stories ..and a pretty broad understanding of such personalities of those who join these organizations. Due to alot of internal insight from Masons I know, but I'm quite sure I'll piss folks off here and hurt some feelings with blunt honest truth.🤣
Bring it, I dare you! :rofl:
Good find with that YouTube comment. The guys conclusion is that Freemason worship a gas lol.
From the the surface, the name phosphorus as it relates to Lucifer came before the element was found on earth. But still .. for it to be vital for human life as it relates to DNA is pretty interesting.

another thing that might be relevant is astrology. The “morning star” is one of those secret society names for Venus. That morning star name is also given to Lucifer but shared with Jesus on the Bible. I also just read that Scientist are trying to find life on Venus ever since they found a phosphorus gas on the planet. Most Freemason wouldn’t have a clue what any of this means but.. if they studied their seven arts and sciences (astrology included) then they would be all into this kind of stuff in the high levels of the craft. It’s the same stuff that the Egyptian pharaohs studied and I think that alignment of the pyramids have something to do with Venus. Interesting stuff that they don’t want civilians to know about
Not Venus, but the stars. They studied astrology in ancient Egypt, and the Pyramids were in alignment with the stars, for specific astrological events.
Not Venus, but the stars. They studied astrology in ancient Egypt, and the Pyramids were in alignment with the stars, for specific astrological events.
Also so you can date when these structures were built. The true age of lots of these structures peals away one layer of the lie we live which is our modern concept of time.

Take a good look at the executioners regalia @ 2:25

Btw the producer/director of this movie and his whole family were victims of a “murder/suicide” but I’m sure it’s all coincidence
ELE is one of my favorite albums ever but it's nothing death metal hadn't already addressed.

I’m genuinely shocked I’m not more familiar with this CD. Looks like I have A LOT more homework to do... I’m only on the second track and I’m like “ a boss’s life? Snoop and Busta sampled the same song yyyeeeaaarrrsss apart. Good lord.”
I'll watch.

Most of those types of videos I have watched were very broad about what went on behind the scenes. I want some details. :lol:

Just wild to think all of these folks in these "Black Greek" organizations have to live with these things on their conscious for the rest of their time on Earth.


This was fantastic. Funny part is "Witchcraft":rofl:

White people juju. It's so funny as to how they christianized all of the slaves, calling such rituals of African descent savagery, paganism, and these mofo's are running around doing the same thing on the low!
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