If Coffee Were Illegal Would You Still Drink It?

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Jun 28, 2004
This question came to mind when I found out that when the Harrison act of 1914 (the first law, which outlawed drugs on a federal level) was being created, allmind altering substances were up for review, including caffeine. Fortunately there were no urban legends of people of color drinking coffee and raping whitewomen so it remained legal.

If coffee and other types of caffeine were outlawed would you buy coffee and tea on the black market. Would you buy less, more or the same amount?

I'm curious what you guys have to say because we have people who range from libertarians to staunch prohibistionists and all stances in between on theissue of narcotics.
I don't drink coffee in the morning, but when I go to starbucks I always get a pumpkin spice latte

I'd be upset if I couldn't get it to be honest
I hardly drink it now, so it wouldn't bother me. If it were illegal it would probably cost like $20-25 a cup, so I wouldn't drink it.
It's hard to say. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, but I'm not "addicted" to it. I can still get up and get started without it.Whereas my brother constantly tells me how he is unable to properly function without a few cups
For myself, I wouldn't seek out coffee through illegalmeans if I needed to, but thankfully that isn't the case.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Fortunately there were no urban legends of people of color drinking coffee and raping white women so it remained legal.


No, I wouldn't drink it. I don't drink it now. It sadly can have amazing affects on people. My 13 yr old cousin throws FITS if she doesn't get 2starbucks a day and Lord knows how many diet cokes. She has gotten to the point where her parents imposed a limit so she sneaks them. People overlook itbecause you can buy it without hassle, but its effects are rather potent
#$#@ Drinkin' it, I'd be sellin' it son.

If coffee was illegal dudes would make a killing up here in Seattle. People can't live without their coffee up here for some reason.
I would because I like coffee. It also goes well with a cigarette in the morning.
I drink 4 cups of black coffee every day before work, and to be honest: should coffee become illegal and a hassle to get - I'd quit cold turkey with noproblem. Regardless of my love for breaking the rules, I have many more vices which take up much more of my time and money such as:

Alcohol - I drink an average of 6 drinks a day

California Medicine (not so much as alcohol, but still a good portion)

Eating food: I eat out constantly and spend 2-300 a week on this habit.
Curt, why the stoneface? Fears of people of color seducing or raping white women while under the influence of marijuana, cocaine and opium were the primaryjustification for the Harrison Act.

People can gild these illiberal laws as somehow "being in the interest of the people" but the fact is that prohibition of substances are rooted inrank racism.
lol, at selling it; but i think there'd be some cash in that! if you asked me this before i got my french press, i'd say no; but now . . . i need it!
if the demand for coffee is perfectly inelastic for people, then they would continue drinking it.
I don't drink coffee. However, caffeine has an addictive nature to it, so if it were all of a sudden prohibited, people would find a way to get that fix.
Although drinking coffee isn't a daily routine of mine, I do drink it now and then. Usually when I'm doing an all-nighter.

So depending on the difficulty of obtaining it, I'd probably still drink it. I mean there are some things that I do now on occasion that isn't going bythe letter of the law.

I'd also love to play middle man to the caffeine addicted men and women of america
They'd have to outlaw Soda too right?

I think the better question is "what if they outlawed caffeine?" .....
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