If you won the lottery, would you still continue to work?

i can't imagine my boss or a passenger saying some wild **** and i just take and go about my job when I have 500 million in various accounts :lol:

i'd have to find some hobbies or start my own org/business
No way.very few ppl want to work.... Doing what you want everyday doesn't get tiring. I'd chill daily.
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I'd legit open a restaurant, barbershop, and a car shop/garage.

But never work for someone else
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Also I'll probably walk on whatever grad school basketball team since I have all this free time.
Hell no, if I didn't get along with the boss, I would buy the company and fire him and then sell the company to someone else.

If I did get along with everyone up there, id fly them to out to Vegas for a coke filled hangover like stripper filled weekend of partying though.
Hell no, if I didn't get along with the boss, I would buy the company and fire him and then sell the company to someone else.

If I did get along with everyone up there, id fly them to out to Vegas for a coke filled hangover like stripper filled weekend of partying though.
thats a real fast way to blow a lot of money 
I'm assuming yall saying yes mean working for yourself, doing what you want to do, not going back to the same job.
Of course I would definitely quit work!  I would invest in apartments, commercial property, and franchising.  I would like to own a couple Dunkin' Donuts here in LA.  
Me personally, yes because I can't imagine just doing nothing all day everyday. Yes, I can travel and ****, but I'm going to run out of stuff to do real quick.

run out of stuff to do??? with $500 million? lol
I love my job so I'd stick around, wouldn't take no **** from no one though :lol:
With 50o Million, I'd just become an angel investor. Rocking a new track suit every day.
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