Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

this +**@ is wild
how is that funny?
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Weird. Today on the ave some dude was handing flyers out on the ave ( I posted a pic on twitter if you want to see the whole thing)
Basically it says that the dollar will collapse, they want a cashless society and if we riot they have FEMA concentration camps awaiting our arrival...
I've been tinkering with this idea for a long while.

I've come to the conclusion that it would never work. If we didn't have things like money to provide a boundary for the consumption of goods, we'dcreate far too much waste any be forced back into Hunter/Gatherer agrarians, which would, over time, force us to become less civilized and de-evolve. On someWaterworld type %#*.

Unless of course we went to communism, which could work if everyone played their position, but of course, they wouldn't.

I've actually thought about becoming a free mason. I've been approached multiple times by older dudes asking if I had ever heard of them.

I may be brainwashed, but I'd rather be dumb and happy than intelligent and miserable, as selfish as that is.
This thread reminded me that I need to pick up Zoolander with my next paycheck.
So just because you're terry cloth (that means very soft) and get scared of inanimate objects that's enough reason to demonize an entire organization.Good logic.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Weird. Today on the ave some dude was handing flyers out on the ave ( I posted a pic on twitter if you want to see the whole thing)
Basically it says that the dollar will collapse, they want a cashless society and if we riot they have FEMA concentration camps awaiting our arrival...
I've been tinkering with this idea for a long while.

I've come to the conclusion that it would never work. If we didn't have things like money to provide a boundary for the consumption of goods, we'd create far too much waste any be forced back into Hunter/Gatherer agrarians, which would, over time, force us to become less civilized and de-evolve. On some Waterworld type %#*.

Unless of course we went to communism, which could work if everyone played their position, but of course, they wouldn't.

I've actually thought about becoming a free mason. I've been approached multiple times by older dudes asking if I had ever heard of them.

I may be brainwashed, but I'd rather be dumb and happy than intelligent and miserable, as selfish as that is.
The Zeitgeist movement. And soltheman u sound like that guy in the matrix. "happiness is bliss". The idea is a step ahead of communismin a way. Communism never actually established in the way Marx intended. He wanted a classless society, initially ruled by a proletariat dictatorship. Ofcourse that failed partially due to the fact that the borgeouise became the ruling class. The hope (like communism) is a classless society, but this timewithout money and hopefully a lesson to have already learn from. The incentive to keep people from OVERconsuption will be the good of people the we hopefullystill have. The idea is that since everything is free we will not take more than we need. We will not get the latest hipster gear to show off because the nextguy can get the same thing just as easily. But of course i'm a thinker like u, i know there are far too many ways to fail, but it seems to be inevitable asMarx said (he said that there are too many contradictions in capitalism that will lead to its demise).

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

I don't know about the illuminati stuff or anything like that. However, the 9/11 stuff...I lived through it. I am from NYC and I watched everything on tv after I walked myself home from the Bronx to my home in Manhattan. My mom walked 130 blocks to get home. Now, this isn't anything to the amount of people that lost their lives. I just want someone to tell my, why Building Number 7 went down demolition style like it did. Did it get hit by a plane? NO!!

It has nothing to do with conspiracies when it comes to 7. Its common sense. If nothing hits a building, except for some debris here and there, how in the hell does it fall like the Twin Towers.

Now lets talk conspiracies..

9/11, the government either knew about it or had something to do with it. Do you think they would tell 300 million Americans some crap like that. Hell no. They're hiding so much crap from us right now because they're the government and they're "protecting us." You know how they say you could never trust politicians during campaigns? If you can't trust them then, then why trust and believe them when they're feeding you 9/11 lies.

I was in NYC too (6th grade
, and my cousin died). I was so blindi believed everything fed to me by the tube. Now i look back and see something else and ask questions like
1. How did they know the names of the terrorists on board?
2 How did they find the passport of one of the terrorist weeks afterwards (it was on the plane right, not planted)?
3. What held up NORAD (the security for hijacked planes)?
4. How exactly did we know it was Bin Ladin (of course we have the vids of him threatening th uc now, but there are no initial tapes where he admits to the9/11 attack before he was called the mastermind)?

Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

If we could get a small percentage of the truth we would revolt...and I can see one coming already, without the truth.

I see it too. Like V for Vendetta

Originally Posted by finnns2003

whatever anyone says about conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats, lol at you if you 'really' think the government provides the general public with accurate intelligence on everything that goes on.

i know what u mean. We cannot believe anything unless it is a valid argument. The News due to ownership and money interest cannot be properly trusted, but atthe same time we shouldnt believe nuts with made up theories and no proof.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

The government did an investigation to see if any of the conspiracies were true. Yes, that's going to help. It's like my committing murder and I'm doing the investigation on the crime. Seriously? Like I said, I don't know any of these politicians personally to trust them. People trust the government too easily.

Conspiracy theories exists when there are too many inconsistencies. Too many loose ends. I've seen the debunking conspiracies video of 9/11. I don't think they did a good job because I am still not convinced.

9/11 was the perfect excuse for Bush to invade the Middle East, better yet Iraq. Iraq didn't send those guys to do 9/11, but yet, the US invaded them. You can find Sadam in a hole but you can't find Bin Laden?

The Pentagon-Circular holes through the walls. Planes don't do that stuff! No engines, wings, seats, tail? The fire is not hot enough to melt 12 tons of steel.
Crash in PA- Where on Earth is the debris? Where is the large hole that happens in ALL crashes. It looked like someone sprinkled some metal and messed the area up as much as possible.
WTC- Building Number freaking 7. Twin Towers fell straight down demolition style. Ughh.. the fires are on the top, the 80 floors below could have sustained the weight of the melted steel and damaged floors above. If it didn't, it would have fell to side because, remember, these buildings were over 100 stories tall.

Name is hilarious btw. Yes, funny how building 7 and the disappearance of metals from the planes "hitting" the pentagon were never in the 9/11report. To add on how the buildings (1 and 2) could have not fallen:
1. It fell at free fall. Impossible unless there were things taking out the floors below
2. Only 3 steel buildings ever collapsed. Guess what day all three fell? 9/11. And to add to that a steel building in Chicago burned for HOURS and stillstands.
3. Jet fuel cannot burn high enough to melt steel. Thus the Steel frame should have been standing, even if the concrete floors fell.
4. Even the designers and engineers of the WTC said it was designed to take that pressure and heat.

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

steel doesnt melt till it reaches 2500 degrees

and jetfuel burns at a little over 1200.
The buildings were hit by airliners. Also, the planes put a great deal more weight on the structure of the towers. But of course both of these things have nothing to do with the buildings collapsing. Oh wait.... This is logic people, not that hard to understand.

You missed the point. I didnt ask "how come they couldnt put out the fire at the twin towers?"

The point was this: That jet fuel was hot and powerful enough to melt reinforced steel and make buildings that massive collapse, yet normal fire trucks put the fire out like it was a tiny campfire. I know that couldnt have put that out if they even tried.

As far as the fire trucks go - Google some images. The most fire trucks you see at one time is 2. Pictures dont lie, right?
You just refuted your own point. The fire was able to burn for MUCH longer in the towers than it was in the Pentagon. That means that if was able to weaken the structure for a longer period of time. Add that to the factors I mentioned above and it makes sense, to people that can use logic.

To the person who said the fire burned for a long time and the weight of the plane but it down,
. Logic my big
. If u knew anything about the structure of the building and not your"logic" u would know that a straw system steel frame is extremely strong. So if u add the weight of a airline (which is not much if u consider theweight of the building itself or the amount of ppl in the building on any given day) it would not make the building collapse, and especially not at nearfreefall speed (10 floors per second, so resistance because of fuel fire and weight and a plane
History of Conspiracies: Peasants (people at the bottom) always create conspiracies because they fear their government(people at the top) and thegovernment never openly dismisses these conspiracies because they want to continue to be feared its that simple.
Originally Posted by duckdafraft

what exactly is a mason and why are they bad for society?
THIS IS A MASON (more or less):

Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various formsall over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million (including around 480,000 in England, Scotland and Ireland alone, and just under two million in the UnitedStates).[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup] The various forms all share moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases, a constitutional declaration of belief ina Supreme Being.[sup][3][/sup]

The fraternity is administratively organised into Grand Lodges (or sometimesOrients), each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists ofsubordinate (or constituent) Lodges. Grand Lodges recognise each other through a process of landmarks and regularity. There are also appendantbodies, which are organisations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.

Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as "a system of morality veiledin allegory and illustrated by symbols."[sup][4][/sup][sup][5][/sup]

As for question #2:

It's up for debate. Some people say they run the world, some say they're harmless. Point is they've been around for thousands of years now, andtheir membership and influence is now worldwide. In order for something like this NOT to affect the way the world works, would be to say any given religiondoesn't have an affect on its followers.
To each his own, but trust no one, and do your own research and come up with a truth that YOU believe, and not what someone else defines as"true/real".

lol @ lincoln burrows tho,
LOL @ both sides using the same arguments in these monthly'd think after awhile both sides would end the bickering.
Originally Posted by cartune

History of Conspiracies: Peasants (people at the bottom) always create conspiracies because they fear their government(people at the top) and the government never openly dismisses these conspiracies because they want to continue to be feared its that simple.
And this is what sucks about government, at least in the U.S.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears thepeople, there is liberty" Thomas Jefferson.

^^^^ and It sure dont look like they're scared of us...
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]It's inevitable...people are at high off positions of power...i pray it's all aconspiracy[/color]
1. How did they know the names of the terrorists on board?
The FBI & CIA were aware of them before they did this.
4. How exactly did we know it was Bin Ladin (of course we have the vids of him threatening th uc now, but there are no initial tapes where he admits to the 9/11 attack before he was called the mastermind)?
They were aware of him back during the tail end of the Cold War. He's been a threat for awhile. I thought everyone knew that the FBI presentedPresident Bush with a report of clear potential threats to the nation and he ignored them. Why do you think he looked like *!*# his pants when they told himwhat happened while he was reading to those kids? Another simple answer is that a couple days after 9/11 OBL released his vid. It wasn't known to the mediathe day off or after that OBL orchestrated this. I remember vividly cuz I was up in class thinking/talking about how this would be one hell of a catalyst toWW3.
To the person who said the fire burned for a long time and the weight of the plane but it down,
. Logic my big
. If u knew anything about the structure of the building and not your "logic" u would know that a straw system steel frame is extremely strong. So if u add the weight of a airline (which is not much if u consider the weight of the building itself or the amount of ppl in the building on any given day) it would not make the building collapse, and especially not at near freefall speed (10 floors per second, so resistance because of fuel fire and weight and a plane
One of the most valid points made in Zeitgeist. It still puzzles me since they basically suggested there would have to be explosives on almostevery floor for the buildings to collapse the way they did.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

1. How did they know the names of the terrorists on board?
The FBI & CIA were aware of them before they did this.
4. How exactly did we know it was Bin Ladin (of course we have the vids of him threatening th uc now, but there are no initial tapes where he admits to the 9/11 attack before he was called the mastermind)?
They were aware of him back during the tail end of the Cold War. He's been a threat for awhile. I thought everyone knew that the FBI presented President Bush with a report of clear potential threats to the nation and he ignored them. Why do you think he looked like *!*# his pants when they told him what happened while he was reading to those kids? Another simple answer is that a couple days after 9/11 OBL released his vid. It wasn't known to the media the day off or after that OBL orchestrated this. I remember vividly cuz I was up in class thinking/talking about how this would be one hell of a catalyst to WW3.
To the person who said the fire burned for a long time and the weight of the plane but it down,
. Logic my big
. If u knew anything about the structure of the building and not your "logic" u would know that a straw system steel frame is extremely strong. So if u add the weight of a airline (which is not much if u consider the weight of the building itself or the amount of ppl in the building on any given day) it would not make the building collapse, and especially not at near freefall speed (10 floors per second, so resistance because of fuel fire and weight and a plane
One of the most valid points made in Zeitgeist. It still puzzles me since they basically suggested there would have to be explosives on almost every floor for the buildings to collapse the way they did.

I know about the report that Bush supposedly didnt read. But how do u blame one person without valid and undeniable proof. The report onBush's table was written by Clinton before he left office. In a conspiracy theorist's world they are both either part of the illuminati or imo have noactual power. Wat about when they found the passport of one of the terrorist and how did they point the finger at those specific people?
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