I'M RUNNING THE SPARTAN RACE. Vol. About that fit life

Jul 23, 2004
I'm running the Spartan race in a couple weeks (September 9th) in NJ, and I'm looking for any tips that would help.

Anybody ever run a Spartan Beast race?

What clothes/shoes to wear?

Should I take a camel pack with me?

Help me out here NT.
I've run a couple 5Ks/10Ks and a Rugged Maniac 5K....nothing too serious by any means, but what I have learned doing the Rugged Maniac/Mudd Runs is to wear light shorts and go shirtless or wear a shirt made of light material. Once you get covered in Mudd it really weighs you down and makes the obstacles that much harder.

I would avoid a camel pack as they usually have people passing out cups of water at various points and usually when running a race you can finish without even drinking water during the race.

I would get fitted for a good running shoe to see how your stride is and break them in before using them.

Definitely start training running outside/trails and work your way up to a good distance.
i've done several of the spartan races and warrior dashes, my main advice to you is wear clothes that are light and clothes that you are okay with throwing after. Also, whatever shoes you wear need to be durable and like I said, you will probably throw them away after the race.

I didn't bring a water with me either, as they should have stands for water, you want your hands/arms to be free anyway.

good luck man, it's a lot of fun!
I did the Warrior dash two weeks ago.

- Wear shoes that you dont care about, because by the end you will probably just throw them out
- Wear light clothing
- Review the map before starting the race

How long is this race?
I'm doing the second Warrior Dash in Michigan on September 15th.

Everyone that I've talked to has said the exact same things as in this thread. I quit smoking and have been doing a few miles a day trying to get ready :pimp:

Good luck and have fun!
I did the Warrior dash two weeks ago.

- Wear shoes that you dont care about, because by the end you will probably just throw them out
- Wear light clothing
- Review the map before starting the race

How long is this race?
I'm doing the spartan beast...it's 8 miles with 25 obstacles
I want to do this race so much. I might go to the Spartan Sprint in Malibu in December.

I might start a team from the Nike+ challenge thread. Hmmm...
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I want to do this race so much. I might go to the Spartan Sprint in Malibu in December.
I might start a team from the Nike+ challenge thread. Hmmm...
already signed up for the Dec 2nd Malibu run...

gonna be my first time running this type of event... 

its for the beginners so shouldnt be too tough!
I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September and a lot of the info given is definitely solid.

Light clothing that will dry quickly, comfortable trail/running shoes, and lots of distance running on different terrain is good place to start. Good luck and have fun OP
I'm doing this in Dec. Kinda debating on whether or not I'm wearing my fuelband when I go. Kinda want to see how much fuel I get.
has anyone done spartan race and tough mudder ?

tryna see what they think and how they compare both.

i've only done tough mudder and it was crackin !
has anyone done spartan race and tough mudder ?

tryna see what they think and how they compare both.

i've only done tough mudder and it was crackin !
I've only done the Spartan.  I really want to do a Tough Mudder though.
Just remember if these men can finish, then you can you too.


I did Tough Mudder last month and it was awesome! Want to do the Spartan Race. Let me know how it is.
On top of this being good event apparently this is a dating talking point too. I have saw so many chicks recently on dating sites taking pics from when they are competing in these types of things. I guess some of yall are doing the same thing too but hey nothing wrong with finding a chick while getting your fitness on right?
How do you get cleaned up so you can drive home?
They have water hoses at the end of the race.  You can bring your own soap/shampoo, and bath after the race.  You get to talk over the race.  It's a cool experience.

Oh, and I forgot to post my pics.  Here ya go!!

And this is the link the course that I ran in September:

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