Implicit Association Test on Racial Bias Vol. The Conditioning Is Real!

Nov 20, 2007
So I watched this documentary on PBS a few weeks ago, all apart of their Black History Month programming (granted they air stuff like this year round). I wish I remembered the name of it to suggest for everybody else to watch.

The test is similar to the one I think we're all familiar with that has the children choose between a white doll and a black doll and ask them which one is good and which one is bad. This test does that with associating words with good and bad or black ppl and white ppl.

This isn't the exact vid from the doc I watched but it gives you the gist of what the test means

The Test

My results:

Thank you!

The categorization task you completed is called the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The task assesses associations between concepts by measuring how quickly a person can categorize, for example, GOOD words with White faces compared to GOOD words with Black faces. The idea is that the more strongly associated the two concepts are in memory, the more quickly you will be able to categorize words into those paired categories. Your score is reported as an implicit association of Good with White and Bad with Black if you were faster at categorizing Good words with White faces compared to Black faces. The test often reveals associations that are different than one's conscious beliefs. For example, even people who have no conscious preference between Black and White may still have implicit associations that White is better than Black.

Your results are reported below:
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black people compared to White people.

Be sure to read the directions and follow them. If you try to cheat or take the test slow to skew results it won't come out right anyway. So lets be honest.

Interested in see some of yall results. Especially non-white and non-black NTers :nerd:
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"Thank you!

The categorization task you completed is called the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The task assesses associations between concepts by measuring how quickly a person can categorize, for example, GOOD words with White faces compared to GOOD words with Black faces. The idea is that the more strongly associated the two concepts are in memory, the more quickly you will be able to categorize words into those paired categories. Your score is reported as an implicit association of Good with White and Bad with Black if you were faster at categorizing Good words with White faces compared to Black faces. The test often reveals associations that are different than one's conscious beliefs. For example, even people who have no conscious preference between Black and White may still have implicit associations that White is better than Black.

Your results are reported below:

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black people compared to White people. "
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black people compared to White people.

I wanted to be told I didn't have a bias, even though I know that's ridiculous 
I'm gonna take the test again to see if it's possible.
"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black people compared to White people."

I made a couple association mistakes just trying to eat and do it at the same time. Too lazy to take it again though.
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Intredasting. I'm half black and half white and got:
"Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American. "
I'm going to chalk that up to the fact that I hate almost everyone around me, just so happens to be the fact that most of them are white 

And my encounters with black folk are fewer and farther between.
Im extremely upset by my results :smh:
Retook the test. I feel better now :lol:
What were both of your results? :lol:

My whole thing is I wanted to do it fast like they said no matter what to get those immediate reaction answers. If you slow down too much it's probably easy to guide your results in one way or the other even to an extreme preference.
What were both of your results? :lol:

My whole thing is I wanted to do it fast like they said no matter what to get those immediate reaction answers. If you slow down too much it's probably easy to guide your results in one way or the other even to an extreme preference.
The first results said I had a preference for white, but when I did it the second time it was the opposite.
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White people compared to Black people.

Am I a SWS now?
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Your results are reported below:
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Black people compared to White people.[/td][/tr][/table]
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Black people and White people.
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