Information Technology (IT)

I've seen ads for it, but ive also heard negative reviews about them.

You probably should look into them, because their curriculum is just passing a bunch of certifications. Techexam forums love WGU seems like a lot of people have great success after the program.
How do you guys deal with recruiters?

Lol. I got hit up by one yesterday, offering me $140-$160K for a network admin job (mainly because of my clearance). I had to kindly turn the offer down. But I notice I get an offer about once every week to two weeks for cybersecurity or network administration.
Had an intern performance evaluation with my manager yesterday and was invited to come back next summer for the program! I graduate next fall and have one more summer left to intern so I'll likely come back. I have really like project management and I think it fits my personality and needs. My manager recommended going for an associate in project management certification first and then get more experience to take my PMP exam. I like the work, company, coworkers, manager, and its only a 15 min drive from my house.
Had an intern performance evaluation with my manager yesterday and was invited to come back next summer for the program! I graduate next fall and have one more summer left to intern so I'll likely come back. I have really like project management and I think it fits my personality and needs. My manager recommended going for an associate in project management certification first and then get more experience to take my PMP exam. I like the work, company, coworkers, manager, and its only a 15 min drive from my house.
What is the detail description of a project management.
And what company are you interning at?
I've been researching about Cisco Certs and Networking field. I've read that IT is being outsourced out into INDIA. Also, CISCO certs are being replaced with SD-WAN or Microsoft?
I've been researching about Cisco Certs and Networking field. I've read that IT is being outsourced out into INDIA. Also, CISCO certs are being replaced with SD-WAN or Microsoft?

Are you new to IT?

To get into networking, you don't necessarily need certifications. But Cisco is a top vendor, their OS is well known and they've done a magnificent job of marketing their certification program (making it another small revenue stream but hardware is still their bread and butter easy).

Every low-level position has a possibility of being outsourced or transferred to a cheaper market. But Tier 2 and Tier 3 technicians are always in high demand. Just do a good job search.

Microsoft certifications lean more toward system administration, e.g. Servers, cloud, etc. And SD-WAN is an emerging technology like SDN or containers.
I've been reading a lot on reddit and it seems like many people are taking the boson practice tests to get a good handle on things before taking the actual exam. Once I'm through studying for the ccent i'll buy one of the exams and see how things go.
So I've been working as an overseas contractor for almost 4 months now and this is an extremely easy job. I've had the skillset for this position since high school lol funny how they gate keep these kind of jobs with certs experience, etc . I like it, but am looking for a more technical role in the Middle East. Longer I stay in this role the worse off I am career wise.

You live in Tokyo right? May I ask what your position is? I'd love to live in Japan for a year or 2 :lol:

Anyways, I did desktop support for 2 years as a student at my university and currently 6 months in at a service desk as a gov contractor...

im not really sure where I wanna go.. or if I wanna move out of the service desk role lol. tried to study for network + but I got bored super quick... i cant see myself happy doing anything network related...

how did some of yall grow out of the help desk role? what branch in IT did yall move out too?
techexam forums would provide the best guide on what to study to pass any certification exam.

Thank you! I've read a few forum posts related to resume/cv and it's been very helpful for someone in my position. Will also look into what people used to study for the certs!
You live in Tokyo right? May I ask what your position is? I'd love to live in Japan for a year or 2 :lol:

Anyways, I did desktop support for 2 years as a student at my university and currently 6 months in at a service desk as a gov contractor...

im not really sure where I wanna go.. or if I wanna move out of the service desk role lol. tried to study for network + but I got bored super quick... i cant see myself happy doing anything network related...

how did some of yall grow out of the help desk role? what branch in IT did yall move out too?
Man people talk down helpdesk like it's entry level but it really just depends on the environment and tier level. I am a Sys Admin, you could consider it help desk but tier 3 though so I'm not just answering phones and putting in tickets; so we deal with everything from software/hardware, print server, imaging, networking, sccm, cybersecurity, etc. There have been some opportunities to move into like IA full time (scans, audits, pushing update packages, etc.) which again I deal with some now on a regular basis but unless pay raise is substantial, not really interested There's a lot of opportunities out here right now in the entry level 45 to more experience range like 70 plus and potentially higher once this DIACAP-RMF contract drops if anyone is wiling to move out here with your boy. IDK how much juice I really have but I know the C.O.Rs and IT Managers of a few of these announcements so at the very least I can tell them look out for your resume. I know you say Oklahoma no thanks, but again it's an Army base so its more metropolitan than the rest of the state.
I think my coworker is walking into a landmine and not heeding the advice. He is trying to have Windows patch automatically install on various production systems. I am like perhaps you might want to rethink that and wait on installing Windows patches on production systems. I see dark days ahead. :smh:

I heard stories and wrote my own stories on the nightmares related to installing live Windows patches with no testing. Some are 2008 environments and some are 2012.
He doesn't have a SCCM Server or old school SUS?

And are you referring to end user devices or servers? Does his company have a patch policy?
I've been researching about Cisco Certs and Networking field. I've read that IT is being outsourced out into INDIA. Also, CISCO certs are being replaced with SD-WAN or Microsoft?

Info above about T2s, T3s, T4s, TCs, etc, etc. being in high demand is true.

I work with India every single day and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt if you're a competent tech you're already more employable than 95% of India's IT workforce.

Starting off fresh and landing a good T1 position can be fairly difficult though, you face a lot of competition and I've personally seen nepotism at absurdly high levels in my workplace. Either have to get lucky, leverage your network, or stand beyond a shadow of the doubt as the most skilled and the most team-adjusted applicant.

I got lucky, T2.5(?) now.
He doesn't have a SCCM Server or old school SUS?

And are you referring to end user devices or servers? Does his company have a patch policy?
No SCCM server to robust for such a small environment, I mentioned the WSUS server. However I am doubtful he is going to go that route. That personally is the best route however if you have 5 networks you have to setup WSUS servers since they never would talk.
Man people talk down helpdesk like it's entry level but it really just depends on the environment and tier level.
LMAO. Those that think helpdesk personnel just answer phones and create tickets. I worked in helpdesk for years getting my experience, even though I was doing deskside system admin work. I was working at TSA headquarters and DEA so I wanted to go to the desk and meet the employees. Some FINE ones back there, eventually transitioned into Sys Admin, then particular technologies within being a sys admin, VMware, Hyper V, playing around with TestDrive right now. I didn't mind them calling me helpdesk back in the day as long as I was getting sys admin and sys engineer money.
Has any one worked for Vectrus? I have a technical interview scheduled with them for monday.
Did you snoop, I mean research them on Glassdoor?
Speaking of helpdesk, is it possible to get a job with a hs diploma and a experience in cybersecurity?

Im currently working in cybersecurity and they paying me really well despite the fact that i have jo certs or diploma. But growth and im really eager to learn and grow. Any help would be appreciated.

Btw Sorry if newb question.
I think my coworker is walking into a landmine and not heeding the advice. He is trying to have Windows patch automatically install on various production systems. I am like perhaps you might want to rethink that and wait on installing Windows patches on production systems. I see dark days ahead. :smh:

I heard stories and wrote my own stories on the nightmares related to installing live Windows patches with no testing. Some are 2008 environments and some are 2012.

LMAO i know those feels, our old Windows Admin decided to push a patch last year and it basically broke half of our domain users it was horrible. Thankfully he left some time ago, now i dont even know if we are pushing updates at all.
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