Information Technology (IT)

Single w/o kids so it should be easy for me but nope. I enjoy living here.

oh ok, more power to you with that one. I know a ton of IT companies are flocking to ATL because of tax breaks and stuff, but still some of the Big dogs aren't moving because our public transit is horrible.
oh ok, more power to you with that one. I know a ton of IT companies are flocking to ATL because of tax breaks and stuff, but still some of the Big dogs aren't moving because our public transit is horrible.
Yea it's a business move that theyre hoping will save money. It may backfire though cause a lot of resources are unwilling to move and if they leave, they take tons of knowledge with them. A lot of firms are moving to Houston too for the same reason. Gona look to work for a non publically traded organization next.
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Yea it's a business move that theyre hoping will save money. It may backfire though cause a lot of resources are unwilling to move and if they leave, they take tons of knowledge with them. A lot of firms are moving to Houston too for the same reason. Gona look to work for a non publically traded organization next.
They will just hire people and pay them less since the ATL market has a lower Cost of living. Benz just moved their HQ to ATL and has been on a hiring spree. IMO the move is worth it if they are letting you keep your pay or giving more + relocation. If they are not offering relocation then it is what it is. But once again thats a personal decision. Coming from Cali you would be making more money as Cali has a higher market pay (assuming you make close to the market salary for your role in your city).
after 2 weeks of stressing about me switching to this field as a career change, i got a bunch of interviews this week one is with apple as a genius, microsoft in retail, 2 IT company as a desk support and IT. any tips on the interview process? one of the IT company is telling me itll be atleast 2 hours.
after 2 weeks of stressing about me switching to this field as a career change, i got a bunch of interviews this week one is with apple as a genius, microsoft in retail, 2 IT company as a desk support and IT. any tips on the interview process? one of the IT company is telling me itll be atleast 2 hours.

STAR technique for all of your answers, and be able to answer for anything technical on your resume.
What about JQuery? That library is more useful for site than traditional JS. But Silkboi is right, u need some type of OOP. If u want to collab on some projects let me know. I could use the practice as well.

When I was learning Python I was noticing it was pretty much the same as Javascript besides the syntax. I couldn't
get Python to work on my computer so I went back to Javascript. I had a better understanding of Python I just got way
to frustrated with the install process.

I had planned to go all the way with Javascript, but I truly don't enjoy it that much at all.

I'm getting used to it the more I do it on FCC. But I really need to start getting into Python and C#/ASP.Net I feel like w/ every waking moment that I don't learn it, I'm falling behind from getting a job.
Anyone played with 6? Someone the changes look promising for me. Can't wait to finish my current projects to start playing with it.
Yea i never had them check in past because i never state my salary on apps, so i assume they just check dates you said you worked somewhere.
They don't even have to call. There is a website employers can go to to verify past employer names , I forgot the name of the site. I know I had to give an access code to my LO , but employers don't need an access code.

I'm confident it is illegal for prior companies to give out salary information, that should be the least of a companies concern when it comes to hiring.
They don't even have to call. There is a website employers can go to to verify past employer names , I forgot the name of the site. I know I had to give an access code to my LO , but employers don't need an access code.

I'm confident it is illegal for prior companies to give out salary information, that should be the least of a companies concern when it comes to hiring.

Yea i would think concern would be more about criminal history and if you actually worked where you say uou did. I figure a company will pay you what they have in budget and not based on your last gig. This first time i was ever asked what i made by a recruiter so i just gave estimate range, the range was higher than i make now, not by anything crazy, and they new gig is offering more than the range i gave them.
Yea i would think concern would be more about criminal history and if you actually worked where you say uou did. I figure a company will pay you what they have in budget and not based on your last gig. This first time i was ever asked what i made by a recruiter so i just gave estimate range, the range was higher than i make now, not by anything crazy, and they new gig is offering more than the range i gave them.
Yeah you get paid what the company has in their budget to offer. I usually put 0.00 also I let them throw out the first number.
Anyone good with creating Functions in Oracle? I know the Query I`d run and tested it and it worked but having a hard time figuring out how to translate it into a Function.
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