Information Technology (IT)

Passed my Security+ exam . Wasn't that bad ,I only used Get Certified Get Ahead materials.
Good ****, I take my CCENT next Friday

What have you been using to study for the CCENT? I want to start studying for it but I'm not sure if I should pay for the online video course or not.

And Congrats @@BeezyGotSole!
My friend who took the test last year gave me this book he bought 

I'm using Packet Tracer for config practice 
Awesome thank you. Do you feel as if you're prepared for it? How long have you been studying for it?
It has been a little over a month since I started, about 4 hours a day. I feel like I am prepared, but looking at the exam topic list there are some things I need to practice like ipv6 addressing and routing protocols. For $150, I better pass this thing 
Had my first meeting w/ my Advisory last week and told her my plans. Helped me line things up so that I could take classes through the summer and be finished w/ my program by Dec 2017. I feel like my concentration courses should be longer instead of 8wks during the summer but I guess as long as I get my money's worth I should satisfied. Only thing I have to think about now is if I should sit for the CAPM before or after I graduate.
That's what I'm thinking I'll probably do. If my last semester isn't too crazy, I'll study for it and take it in the summer or early fall. Just joined PMI so at least I get a discount. :lol:
Yeah, I want to get that PMP too. My job C blocked me from going to a course at the beginning of this month. Was looking forward to the knowledge.
What are ya'lls thoughts on taking a position that would hamper your career for a bit, it has less responsibility, but effectively its a 20-30k raise.
Do it, as long as you're self studying and keeping abreast with industry developments.

Anyone here apply for the Cisco CCNA Cyber Ops Scholarship?
Yeah I mean as long as the role isn't docking you down to like a mid level position I don't think its bad.

If its still a senior type position that's good.
I took a voluntary demotion to get my Oracle DBA job. Sometimes it just makes sense if the role will better prepare you for the future and/or get you closer to your goals. I couldn't be happier with my decision. If I received an extra $20K, it'd be icing on the cake.
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Whats the position compared to what you are currently doing?

Easy to move around here. That 20-30K for a year could be 30-45K in 2 years compared to your current salary .
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What are some good websites to look for some IT jobs? More specifically help desk jobs?

Been applying like crazy but hearing nothing back =(

I feel like its because they want someone to hire right now but I cant work till I graduate this Dec.
What are some good websites to look for some IT jobs? More specifically help desk jobs?

Been applying like crazy but hearing nothing back =(

I feel like its because they want someone to hire right now but I cant work till I graduate this Dec.

Dice is pretty good. Indeed, even LinkedIn. Still keep applying and having a A+ helps from what I've heard.
So my Sr manager may be moving on to better things and his spot might be up. Didn't think i'd want it because it's been chaotic, but I realize most of that chaos was him . He's been a pathetic shell of himself since our new executive put pressure on him. Problem is he doesn't see that, and our relationship for the past few months has been strained because of it. He'll be in charge of hiring his replacement though, wondering how i'll be able to finesse for a little bit more with someone I can barely even stand at this point. Can sit there in my ego and disdain for the political ******** or play chess.
So my Sr manager may be moving on to better things and his spot might be up. Didn't think i'd want it because it's been chaotic, but I realize most of that chaos was him . He's been a pathetic shell of himself since our new executive put pressure on him. Problem is he doesn't see that, and our relationship for the past few months has been strained because of it. He'll be in charge of hiring his replacement though, wondering how i'll be able to finesse for a little bit more with someone I can barely even stand at this point. Can sit there in my ego and disdain for the political ******** or play chess.

I would just take him out to lunch and see where he's at. If you really can't stand him then maybe have another co-worker go with you. Is your relationship to the point where he knows you don't like him?
Udacity is now offering nano degree programs in tech fields and guaranteed job placement or they will refund your tuition.

Looks like it is $300/mo .
Udacity is now offering nano degree programs in tech fields and guaranteed job placement or they will refund your tuition.
Looks like it is $300/mo .

All these things are dumb to me. I just see it as a push to try to bring some IT jobs back onshore so they can pay people less and use it as the guise as job creation but instead of fullstack web devs making 60-70k now they making 15 bucks an hour lol.

All these code camps imo.
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