
Lot of you dudes don't follow back, lol, all good though, still following all NT.

Yes, I post kicks, but try not to as much. Mostly post pics of time spent with my family. It's funny a lot of you don't like to see kicks. Seems I get most of my likes when I post them.

In the end, I just like seeing pics. Refuse to follow those that post nothing memes and text-grams.
Really? What's your username?
I make sure to followback #NT members, did you have #NT in your bio?
And I usually only unfollow those who unfollow me.
___lostsoul___ and yeah #NT is in bio.
But I had that app for a little while that showed who was following and deleted everybody that wasn't.

Just followed everyone from the last 5 pages.
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Follow back all #NT

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@teegeebee I always follow back pics of me (i always wear a hat) Pics of my kid being super fresh and other random stuff #muddgang #fittedgang
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