iPhone: Post everything here

ok im still trying to thing is it worth buying a new i phone ??

I got myne wen it barely hit/ for free i got it at some give a way at the mall
but it recently broke and theres no insurance on it . but would it be better to copp or not ? i would like to have a mini pc in my wallet 24/7
Is anyone else havin' problem with the WinPwn? I can't get it too work. I get up to the point where your iTunes is Pwned, nothing came up.. so I justthought it was alright so I put it in DFU mode and when I tried the Restore my custom .ipsw it wouldn't work!
Anybody with the iphone 3g having trouble with the voicemail button? I can't seem to get it to work... it just highlights it, then nothing happens...
^ nope. dudes still lining up for this phone
gimme a effin break. i gave apple props...they have brainwashed people like ive never seen before.looking back...i cant believe i stood on line for 5 hrs.
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

quick question, do you have to pay for all the apps? like iringer, the aim app etC?

google iRinger, it's not one that's in the app store (as far as I know)
I've never been a an Apple fan in the past mostly due to the Apple tax for their hardware but I've got to say that the iPhone is by far the best phoneI've ever had. The version 2.0 software has it's bugs that they need to work out (and they say they are - let's see how long it takes), but theoverall delivery and polish of the OS on this phone is incredibble. If you're into Music, Movies, Email, and Websurfing, this device is a monster. Thecamera is the weakest link in the device but hopefully version 3 will resolve that problem. The onscreen keyboard, which I had grave questions about before Ibought the phone is the star of the device. In short, just learn to trust it's correction software and you'll be typing like a pro in no time on thatuscratchable glass. The apps are hit or miss based on the developer but there are some standouts (FaceBook, Remote Control, eWallet, PageOnce, Movies, Pandora,YPMobile, Urbanspoon, Midomi, Beatmaker, and SpeakEasy Voice Recorder). Bad Behaving apps can crash the phone, but remember we're on version 1 of theApplication store and version 1 of the Application Developer Toolkit (I'm a developer by trade so i had to put that in there). On a scale of 1/10 the 3GDevice gets a 9.5 becuase they still need to work out a few kinks with the core OS (Slow loading Contacts from time to time and Safari Crashing), but unlessyou're an enterprise blackberry junkie that has to have every email feature known to man, I'd recommend this device to just about anyone that knowsanything about using a PC. It isn't Grandma easy, but it is Aunt Suzy that knows how to chek email easy. I'll defnitely give Mom this 3G Version nextJune. For those short on money, wait untill December when they'll discontinue the 8GB version and introduce the 32GB version. At $199 this phone is asteal. Of course I opted for the $299 16GB version (Black) but I could easily get by with the 8 from what I've seen thus far. After all, the average personcan realistically only listen to 100 songs in a day so do you really need all 10,000 songs in your collection on tap at all times.
Hey NT I got a quick question..
I got my iPhone not too long ago and i have tmobile so i had it unlocked and jailbroken i have the internet on it but the one website that doesnt work that iskillin me cause its not is youtube.. do I have to install any apps for it to work or what? Any help is much appreciated.

Also, anybody recommend any apps?
I ordered mine in store on Thursday at AT&T. Dude said the white ones have been taking about 72 hours. My OG iPhone is on eBay so the new one better comefast or I'm gonna be phoneless
word mo.. I've had it phone since the 11th and t is the truth ..

I don't think you can use gifs...
Myxer.com is good for ringtones. You can make your own and everything.. "it's esco what the deally..."

Ummm.. Copy and paste and multiple email pictures capability need to hurry.. I hate blogging with one picture per post.
Has anyone gotten a blackjack app? I don't know which one is the best, so any advice would help.
ok so i just unlocked and jailbroke my OG iphone . im on 2.0 firmware.im going to use it on tmobile and i was wondering if i could just add the data plan anduse it or do i have to hack anything to get the phone to pick up the connection??

any help would be great
I made an order for a 16gb blk iPhone from Fido(Canada-Owned by Rogers) last week. My contract recently expired with them and I had like $60 bucks in fidodollars I could use towards the $299 pricetag, and I'm expected to get it in mid August which is a few weeks. I'm pretty excited, and look forward tocontributing to this thread.

Damn off topic but its been exactly 4 years since I first registered on NT. Time flies.
^ in order to do this u would need a jailbroken iphone and you would have to go into installer and find the Customize App.(version 2.0) by Spicy Chicken
Now you can just look through it and once you set it up(it takes 30 seconds) it'll be pretty self-explanatory
^ in order to do this u would need a jailbroken iphone and you would have to go into installer and find the Customize App.(version 2.0) by Spicy Chicken
Now you can just look through it and once you set it up(it takes 30 seconds) it'll be pretty self-explanatory

I downloaded it, now what?
what's good with the apps? Every time I open up an app it'll go to it's startup screen then immediately go back to the iPhones main menu with allthe icons. It just won't let me use them.
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