Is America's biggest problem loneliness?

legalize prostitution.
Man what?

Getting a nut off has nothing to do with loneliness 

You stay going hard for this tho 

I wouldnt normally be this abrasive with my analysis with someone who seemingly manifests traits of depression, but based upon how logicial you are, in addition to you actually possessing the ability to prop yourself up for the positive attributes that you possess, you seem to be someone that revels in being a receipieint of social pity welfare. All of the problems that you mentioned, friends dwindling in volume due to aging, etc., are byproducts of life that everyone of us has to endure. None of these things are unique to you. As life gets more complicated, and people get more set, we lose friends. Every stage of life demands a different version of ourselves, and if you wait on life to gift you that version needed to be content with the circumstances of today, you will get passed by.

You're extremely selfish, too. Rather than being happy for your friends, you remove them from your life because they possess something that you do not have. You have to learn to be genuinely happy for the success of others. That type of outlook and optimiscm is tangible and impacts the vibes you transmit in your communication with others. You want everyone to feel sorry for you yet you lack the empathy and compassion to be happy for the success of others? How's that work? Jealousy is a cancer, and at times, it is certainly tough seeing someone else achieve our goals. However, perception is a prism, and you have to control the paradigm in which you continue to view life, else you will never be content, even if you eventually do get the girlfriend and objects that you desire, etc. This is why you see people with millions of dollars and other socially desirable/enviable lifestyles commit suicide. It's not what we possess but rather how we view our possessions that dictates our happiness.

Also, a vagina is a wonderful thing but let me tell you something, these women aren't magic, nor are they infallible creatures. Remove them from this pedestal and you will see how mortal they truly are. Never attach your happiness to a thing, especially one that you do not possess because reality will never compare to your romanticized perception of it, and you will inevtiably be disappointed once it is acquired.

MAN THE F UP, or seek the assistance of a therapist. It's that simple. Take control of your life. Go join the gym and introduce yourself to five strangers a day. Challenge yourself, or continue to a victim for the next 40 years of your life as you stated. It's your CHOICE.

I do agree with this article, btw. People are too friendly/open with technology and not friendly enough with real humans. Human interaction is the vehicle to happiness. Everything else is just temporary gratification.
Easy to blame it on housing and living styles, but I think its much simpler than that. Its our egos. America is full of people who don't even have $1000 in savings that have the expectation that working hard will make them a millionaire. We assume that our standard of living has to be tied to our income, and will often needlessly spend to make that self fulfilling prophecy come true. We think that our desire to watch Game of Thrones or the latest 30 for 30 trumps interacting with our neighbors, catch up with old friends, or engaging with our communities.

If you travel or have friends from abroad, ask them what they think about Americans and how Americans view themselves. We have a very unique way of holding ourselves above others in a holier than thou art way. I think the American ego can help explain why some of us are so xenophobic, selfish, entitled, and why we behave the way we do.

trappstar trappstar , that was some great advice and I couldn't have said it better myself.
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No. Its that people dont know how to mind their own business. People dont want to stay in their own lanes. People are too offended. Just worry about yourself and what you're into. Don't worry about the next persons money or religion or whatever. If people would let other people do their own thing, the world would be better.
i think fear is the biggest problem. people are scared to meet new people. i think it's pathetic that everyone is on the nuts of this pokemon game "it's helping people get out and meet new people and exercise" :stoneface: lamest mess i've ever heard. people have no social skills and don't want any, they are afraid of looking awkward. they'd rather wait for the other person to make the move. that's why everyone is buried in their mobile devices. it's a safe/hiding place. away from the real world.

I'm an only child and i don't have very many relatives my age, so it's natural for me to try to make friends.
Easy to blame it on housing and living styles, but I think its much simpler than that. Its our egos. America is full of people who don't even have $1000 in savings that have the expectation that working hard will make them a millionaire. We assume that our standard of living has to be tied to our income, and will often needlessly spend to make that self fulfilling prophecy come true. We think that our desire to watch Game of Thrones or the latest 30 for 30 trumps interacting with our neighbors, catch up with old friends, or engaging with our communities.

If you travel or have friends from abroad, ask them what they think about Americans and how Americans view themselves. We have a very unique way of holding ourselves above others in a holier than thou art way. I think the American ego can help explain why some of us are so xenophobic, selfish, entitled, and why we behave the way we do.

@TraPpStar, that was some great advice and I couldn't have said it better myself.
Overly simplistic. Loneliness is a symptom of a systemic issue, imo. There are numerous factors involved but I think the biggest is that family/community is no longer the center of society. Many people arguably spend more time with their co-workers, employees, or bosses than their friends and family. People work 5 days to spend the other two days sedated by drugs or infotainment and in the end they never see bigger picture. They are kept in a state of perpetual fear so that they can only think of the now, not tomorrow. A lot of problems would end if more people gave their job the finger and just spent more time working on themselves and their relationships.

Have any of you read, The Metamorphoses by Franz Kafka? I feel that's where we are right now. We're all turning to insects boxed in and forced to work and unable to socialize or see the fresh air. People predicted this decades ago, we just didn't listen.
I'm not surprised to see somebody react with thinly veiled disdain if I talk about myself. almost everyone does if I ever begin to talk about myself so I've learned not to bar very rare occasions. due to people reacting with annoyance and becoming unsettled/making excuses to get away from me and insulting me for no reason I have conceded long ago that I am socially impossible to be around. I don't fully understand why and find it bizarre, I'm a pretty inoffensive person and keep myself to myself, never done any crimes etc, but going on the evidence, like above and numerous other times I must be.

I have seen a few therapists but I had to quit each one as honestly, only a gullible moron would be able to believe their life is better by going into a room with some overpaid left wing muppet and think their problems are solved. I'm far too clever for therapy, unfortunately, because my life would be fantastic if I was stupid enough to be tricked by a therapist.

with the 195 friends I deleted, they were more casual aquaintences and drinking associates in my early 20s rather than people I care about or who indeed cared about me. I've never had a proper group of friends that we're suitable as I have nothing in common with my local community. I do/did envy these aquaintences for their success but only because they're doing nothing different than I tried and easily, undeservedly in many cases suceeding. why should I break my neck to stay in touch? they all had my number and didn't bother keeping in touch, so obviously they're not a proper friend and I'm within my rights to think of them as a complete c*** and forget all about them.

as I said, being a realist, I have seen no evidence that I will be able to magically attain all the things I want, so I see no point trying to get them. Ive already spent about 20 years trying to get things I've always wanted and have found that I have no opportunity or ability to get this list of things that would make me happy. so there's no point having more failures, I accept the position I'm in and I go day to day, month to month living as easy as I can and relaxing and waiting for the 40 years to tick off. each year seems to pass very quickly the older I get, so happy days.
Not trying to throw shade or play psychiatrist, but from everything you've posted this sounds a lot like you:
Been binge watching Orange is the New Black with the wife and Officer Healey came to mind when I saw this thread :lol:
with the 195 friends I deleted, they were more casual aquaintences and drinking associates in my early 20s rather than people I care about or who indeed cared about me. I've never had a proper group of friends that we're suitable as I have nothing in common with my local community.
Sorry but there's no way someone has 195 friends.

Sounds more like you have no idea what a friend is.
A lot of mass shooter don't get yambs, Sexual frustration of young men does add fuel to the fire.

But white supremacy is America's biggest problem imo. It is like a cancer inflecting and destroying so many things.

The irony of the situation is that the system of white supremacy hurts many poor white people, since it is now entangled with neoliberalism. Yet that demographic are the biggest supporters of both

Excessive suburbanization, long commutes and desolate urban spaces are all examples of how white supremacy manifests itself in many different ways.

If we didn't have White supremacy, white people would have stayed in or very near the major cities, we would have had smarter growth and we would not have had such vindictive divestment from cities and public spaces.

One of the main reasons why transit systems are so bad in this Country, especially at the metro area level, is the fact that suburban communities have been terrified of the idea that black people would use an efficient metro system to come to the suburbs and try to rob them. It is total BS but all across the Country white folks have decided that hour long commutes are the price to pay to keep black people from taking the train out to the suburbs.
i read an article that the suburbs are growing again, instead of the cities...

imma city dude, but i aint knocking anyone who wants to bounce to da burbs.

Excessive suburbanization, long commutes and desolate urban spaces are all examples of how white supremacy manifests itself in many different ways.

to call it anything other than what it is (having a preference where to live) is pullin cards...
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imma city dude, but i aint knocking anyone who wants to bounce to da burbs.
to call it anything other than what it is (having a preference where to live) is pullin cards...

I've had this conversation with conservatives a lot. There is this idea that the suburbs are the result of pure market forces. The fact is, outcomes in the housing market are largely shaped by public policy.

Conservatives and libertarians are always trying to shoehorn bulk commodities markets, which are pretty close to perfect markets, into every other sphere of life.
i hope those who are doling out advice have some foundation in regards to these diagnoses y'all are handing out 
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