Is height an essential component in exuding confidence

surprised Jason Statham is 5'9"... always thought he was like 6'2" or something...guess they add a few inches in his movies
but if dude was not a celeb he would still get buns more than any 6'2 guy in real life. he's good looking, very fit, wears fitted clothing, has an accent, a personality, calm, cool, collective. its about the total package and presentation. biebs is like 5'7 and bruno mars 5'5, if they were normal dudes they still get more play than all you combined. 

compare all celebs on that height chart, most of the cooler celebs are in the below 6'0 photo. Height doesn't affect charm and character. 
The two people I think of first when I think of "exuding confidence" is Floyd Mayweather and Kanye and they're both 5'8.
Basically the answer to this question is, height is not important for exuding confidence, but ******* usually prefer tall guys
Women probably prefer tall guys but it doesn't matter too much. Women prefer ripping, washboard 6 packs but not everyone has that. I think the people that care most about height are insecure short guys (blame their height for not attracting women) and tall guys wanting to rag on shorter guys lol.
Women probably prefer tall guys but it doesn't matter too much. Women prefer ripping, washboard 6 packs but not everyone has that. I think the people that care most about height are insecure short guys (blame their height for not attracting women) and insecure tall guys wanting to rag on shorter guys lol.
Short dudes be simpin too. Tryna **** up the game n ****
Damn I had no idea tom cruise was only 5'7 :lol:
Didn't know don cheedle was that short either
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The two people I think of first when I think of "exuding confidence" is Floyd Mayweather and Kanye and they're both 5'8.

I say more insecurity if you really think about it

No just insecurity from the outside person. Doesn't strike ya'll as odd that folks look at short, confident dudes (who are actually at the top of their craft, so they have every right to be confident) as being insecure and having some sort of complex but not the same for a taller person? what sensible reasoning is there behind that?
No just insecurity from the outside person. Doesn't strike ya'll as odd that folks look at short, confident dudes (who are actually at the top of their craft, so they have every right to be confident) as being insecure and having some sort of complex but not the same for a taller person? what sensible reasoning is there behind that?

You not gonna tell me a dude that pays for friends & tricks off on chicks to keep them around isnt insecure, but i guess since hes at the top of his craft & talks trash that makes him confident from the outside person
I'm 6'3" and after some adolescent years slouching and hiding from the world I'm finally embracing my height
and i notice myself taking interest in taller girls.
Ideal height for my lady would be 5'7" n up

I was talking to this 6'2" Russian girl and it was a goddamn blessing to be on eye level with someone.
Might sound dumb but it was cool man
I get that attracting females is the universal barometer for male confidence, but how about confidence and respect from your peers? Whether it's in the office or out socially, does height (or lack thereof) play a significant role in these interactions and maybe even perceptions of you?

There's tons of those height vs promotions studies, I don't really buy them, but can't help observing that most execs seem to be above avg height. Obviously plenty of factors are at play here
I'm 6'3" and after some adolescent years slouching and hiding from the world I'm finally embracing my height

Same here, growth spurt hit me quick, took a while to grow into myself and fill out, awkward years for sure, but now I can't believe I ever resented my height (resent isn't the right word, too strong).

Once I got used to it and started working out I was fine, wouldn't change a thing
in this country especially, image means a lot, but in actuality, image isn't everything. extra tall people definitely have a certain presence about them, almost like a commanding air. for that reason, we'll probably never see a below average height president. looks appeal to first impressions only, mainly and this country has a short attention span.
Nope.  And Im a prime example of that
I get that attracting females is the universal barometer for male confidence, but how about confidence and respect from your peers? Whether it's in the office or out socially, does height (or lack thereof) play a significant role in these interactions and maybe even perceptions of you?

There's tons of those height vs promotions studies, I don't really buy them, but can't help observing that most execs seem to be above avg height. Obviously plenty of factors are at play here
Arent most CEOS over 6ft

was about to say the same for the presidents but i googled and they aren't as tall as i thought (that may have to do with height trends)

I think it can play a role but its not absolute

I also think they is a threshold for being too tall where everything is awkward 
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in this country especially, image means a lot, but in actuality, image isn't everything. extra tall people definitely have a certain presence about them, almost like a commanding air. for that reason, we'll probably never see a below average height president. looks appeal to first impressions only, mainly and this country has a short attention span.
We already have though.

I thought the same but when i googled it a bunch of them dudes were in average range. Some a little under

It might have to do with height trends though but im not sure if the avg height now is that drastic from back then.
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i meant in more modern days, actually. i'm sure society wasn't as narcissitic (sp) in the 1800's.
for instance, I'm in the air force, and to be apart of honor guard (basically the military members that you see on tv during parades, presidential events etc) the specify that you must be at least 5'10. i doubt if we see a pres under that nowadays.
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