is it just me or do people who buy SB's dont even skateboard......

Feb 18, 2007
Yea I know what youre gonna say, wear what ever you like..............but for a brand directed at skateboarders, the people who buy, most probably have nevereven touched a skateboard. Feel me? I dunno just wondering.....thats why I stick with J's.
so people who wear skate t shirts need to skate? hollister surf tees need to surf? by your logic no one can wear anything except blank tees and payless
I like them , they are comfortable and i paid for them i can do what ever i want with them . Same could be said they are for jays their basketball shoes soshould those only be worn by people playing ball ?
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Yea I know what youre gonna say, wear what ever you like..............but for a brand directed at skateboarders, the people who buy, most probably have never even touched a skateboard. Feel me? I dunno just wondering.....thats why I stick with J's.
you're bored, ain't cha?

Yeah, I can tell....
I mean I have skateboarded before but that dosen't mean i have a right to wear sb's just because of that. I buy what i like wether it be sb or not, adwhy the hell would i pay 100 dollars for a pair of shoes to !%%$ em up kick pushing and +@$#
the majority of people that buy NIKES dont use them for their intended purpose. You think everbody that buys a pair of Jordans hoops? Dumb thread.
i know what you mean. stupid people.

why would you wear affliction clothing if you dont fight in the UFC?
I actually bought my first pair of sb's a week ago. The purple blazers that came out not too long ago.

Im not a skater in any way shape or form. The shoes just looked hot.
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