Is it normal for a guy and girl that are just friends to say they like each other?

Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

well ladies and gents i am now officially DONE with her. dude posted a new picture and she commented " <3 it ". after she told me she was cutting ties. I'm not going to act like this doesn't hurt cause it does and i feel numb right now .. i really cared about her and even gave her a place to stay and she turned around and back stabbed me like that. and the lies keep on coming. smh...

thanks to everyone who posted.

damn thats tough but its for the best you know? trust its the best thing to ever happen to you. she would have just kept on lying and lying. damn some women can be so foul... this mess is so foul cuz it makes me remember the rotten skeez who did that to me with the phone. if i had ur girls number id give her a piece of my mind smh
woman like men will never tell you the truth. Do not let your feelings cloud your judgement. Everye men has taken a loss when it comes to females. If you are sexually attracted just use her for sex untill someone better comes along. The fact that she lied and was alone with this guy is suspect. Alot of things can happen on a ride to mc donalds. Your young I suppose and how the older people around me explained it. Their is no such thing as a serious relationship unless your 30. try to learn from this experience in a positive matter and dont make the same mistake again ie being too nice or needy etc. Do not treat the new girl who comes in your life like @+$% because of this one incident. A REAL WOMAN SHOULD ALWAYS BE RESPECTED and *+#$ should be treated like skees.

I was in this situation myself and girl also cried, i was no fool and knew what happened but i gave it a second chance. I spent about 7 months with her and the same @+$% occured. I almost got her pregnant lol. Just move on homie and dont look back. You can pm if you want.
I appreciate everyone on here. Im not going to lie its tough right now to get played so bad. Im such a fool for wanting to try again last night. But she said she was too tired from work to go out after. I quickly said IM DONE when i saw her post "<3 it" on his pic. She kept calling and calling (didn't answer) and she texted saying she wanted to go out now to talk with me. But i ignored her.

I came back from grabbing a bite and I think they went out last night. dudes status was "had a great time tonight, already miss you." She and two other chicks liked the status . she claims it wasn't about her and she was home the whole time. Its obvious she thinks I'm stupid and thinks i will keep buying her lies..She said that just because he put that doesn't mean that it was about her. But i mean she even liked the status . she said she loved me and i was her other half and she was home the whole time.... I told her that even with her lying aside i clearly said that she cut all ties with him and she couldn't do that. so essentially she chose him over me. And she didn't txt back after that.

I wake up this morning and get on her profile and she has me blocked on Fb now... she played me. straight up. painful that after 2 and a half years and me giving her a place to stay. she backstabbed me like that....but like some of y'all are saying. time to man up.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

I appreciate everyone on here. Im not going to lie its tough right now to get played so bad. Im such a fool for wanting to try again last night. But she said she was too tired from work to go out after. I quickly said IM DONE when i saw her post "<3 it" on his pic. She kept calling and calling (didn't answer) and she texted saying she wanted to go out now to talk with me. But i ignored her.

I came back from grabbing a bite and I think they went out last night. dudes status was "had a great time tonight, already miss you." She and two other *!$**% liked the status .she claims it wasn't about her and she was home the whole time. Its obvious she thinks I'm stupid and think i will keep buying her lies...she said she loved me and i was her other half and she was home the whole time.... I told her that even with her lying aside i clearly said that she cut all ties with him and she couldn't do that. so essentially she chose him over me. And she didn't txt back after that.

I wake up this morning and get on her profile and she has me blocked on Fb now... she played me. straight up. painful that after 2 and a half years and me giving her a place to stay. she backstabbed me like that....but like some of y'all are saying. time to man up.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

I appreciate everyone on here. Im not going to lie its tough right now to get played so bad. Im such a fool for wanting to try again last night. But she said she was too tired from work to go out after. I quickly said IM DONE when i saw her post "<3 it" on his pic. She kept calling and calling (didn't answer) and she texted saying she wanted to go out now to talk with me. But i ignored her.

I came back from grabbing a bite and I think they went out last night. dudes status was "had a great time tonight, already miss you." She and two other chicks liked the status . she claims it wasn't about her and she was home the whole time. Its obvious she thinks I'm stupid and thinks i will keep buying her lies..She said that just because he put that doesn't mean that it was about her. But i mean she even liked the status . she said she loved me and i was her other half and she was home the whole time.... I told her that even with her lying aside i clearly said that she cut all ties with him and she couldn't do that. so essentially she chose him over me. And she didn't txt back after that.

I wake up this morning and get on her profile and she has me blocked on Fb now... she played me. straight up. painful that after 2 and a half years and me giving her a place to stay. she backstabbed me like that....but like some of y'all are saying. time to man up.
Damn dude, I'm sorry to hear that..Something similar happened to me last week..I know it hurts but the best thing to do is move on, time will heal your wounds. She is shady, you don't want that.
dont rush into anything. This is a great oppurtunity to grow as a person. Just take your time go out and just meet new people. Feelings dont go away over night but leave her alone.
damn thats cold. u shoulda stop talking to her the first time +$$+ got shady. plus you shoulda deleted her facebook when you had her password. chicks hate that
Damn, she really really played you and is stupid with it. As much as i thought you were jumping the gun earlier, it's too clear at this point. Yeah, let it go.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Damn, she really really played you and is stupid with it. As much as i thought you were jumping the gun earlier, it's too clear at this point. Yeah, let it go.

Too late. she let him go 
people who think that they can outsmart when clearly are 3 floors under you are a waste of time. you were hanging around red flags. its like playing in traffic and not wanting to get out.

i think its done by now, but i would of mind !%+$@$ her for a bit and use her for sex till it lasted.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Damn, she really really played you and is stupid with it. As much as i thought you were jumping the gun earlier, it's too clear at this point. Yeah, let it go.

Too late. she let him go 
Yeah you're right, son could've tupac walked that ho with a clear W, but he needed conclusion. so she did that thing women do which is justify her actions, that she did no wrong and moved on despite that bull @!** bawling show she put on.
yeap fellas, i was an idiot for wanting to try. I still went out with her twice to talk about it and she was still lying to me then. she knows she did something wrong but its much easier for her to forget it. I remember the first day we went out to talk she was drinking alcohol in a gatorade bottle (she rarely drinks) and i asked her why are u drinking at this time and she said "because it makes me feel numb." I should have known then and there that her acting and talking like that she definitely did something that she felt guilty about . I told her that day that it was going to be very hard for me to see her the same and try with her again and she said she was going to drink even more that night..Me being the idiot that i am i decided to test her by asking her to cut ties with guy and she lied about that also SMH.
what makes it bad for me is that even after all the lying she had the audacity to lie to me again. this after two and a half years and she got kicked out of her house and i took her in .she's obviously moved on now with the dude so what does it matter now. I can't be like this forever. Its tough right now. everything was fine then this happened so fast. I knew that she had been shady before when she went to the "haunted house" but I never thought that she would actually chill with another guy .never saw it coming but I got to get out. Id go for a drive but its pouring rain here in arlington ...
edit: i have to see her again btw... she still has half her clothes here at my place SMH........
so what. throw em out. or leave em at the door lol. i say the only way you should see her again is with a confident smile that doesnt give a @#*#, but i dont think youre ready for that.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

the girl tells the guy to block you so that you think he deleted his profile or she doesnt want you to contact him and find out the real. she proly caling you her ex. 

please dont be a simp dude. dead it now. girls can be so foul. no matter how much u love this broad shes dirty man.... she did the phone excuse AND fb block... No telling what other lies she done told u. please dont be a sucker... i hate seeing people get taken advantage of...

get tested at the clinics its free. you dont what this scumbag could have given you.
My G...

Do yourself the favor of getting rid of her... ASAP!

The hardest thing to do in almost any relationship is to continue one without trust...

This is goina stain the relationship for here on out, trust me...

I've gone through a very similar situation before and took that L. It's no good at all!

Soon you'll find yourself questioning/checking everything she says or does, and that gets tired quick...

If she couldn't tell you before, its no telling what else she hasn't or won't tell you...

Taking her back will just allow her to do is to smarten up and cover her tracks better for the very next time she acts out...

Dead that... and save yourself from that slump!
All of you saying men and women can't be friends is completely false. I have one chick that I'm friends with, we go out on some nights and have the time of our lives. We are both single, we have never hooked up, never came close to it. Pretty much every girl I have banged in the last 2 years, she has introduced me to.
Originally Posted by Numberr97

All of you saying men and women can't be friends is completely false. I have one chick that I'm friends with, we go out on some nights and have the time of our lives. We are both single, we have never hooked up, never came close to it. Pretty much every girl I have banged in the last 2 years, she has introduced me to.

If this is true then.................handclaps,handclaps everywhere.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

yeap fellas, i was an idiot for wanting to try. I still went out with her twice to talk about it and she was still lying to me then. she knows she did something wrong but its much easier for her to forget it. I remember the first day we went out to talk she was drinking alcohol in a gatorade bottle (she rarely drinks) and i asked her why are u drinking at this time and she said "because it makes me feel numb." I should have known then and there that her acting and talking like that she definitely did something that she felt guilty about . I told her that day that it was going to be very hard for me to see her the same and try with her again and she said she was going to drink even more that night..Me being the idiot that i am i decided to test her by asking her to cut ties with guy and she lied about that also SMH.
what makes it bad for me is that even after all the lying she had the audacity to lie to me again. this after two and a half years and she got kicked out of her house and i took her in .she's obviously moved on now with the dude so what does it matter now. I can't be like this forever. Its tough right now. everything was fine then this happened so fast. I knew that she had been shady before when she went to the "haunted house" but I never thought that she would actually chill with another guy .never saw it coming but I got to get out. Id go for a drive but its pouring rain here in arlington ...
edit: i have to see her again btw... she still has half her clothes here at my place SMH........

you aint gotta see her again. get your waiting to exhale on and throw that heffers clothes out on thee lawn or whatever is in front of where u live. take a dump on her drawls and hang um up on the tree so if her new man is driving her to get her clothes he can see what a real skank she is...
probably was using you for your crib ..thats why she doesn't care until you really ignore her....she would have no place to go ...but you!!!!

while she is laid up with the bff

dont save her ...she dont wanna be saved!
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