Is the word "Oriental" racist?

Jul 6, 2008
so i was with one of my friends awhile ago, and he was telling me how he thinks the word "oriental" is racist

he started some huge rant about how it was on the same level as the n word. i gave him a

he started bragging about how he threatened some caucasian dudes on campus because they used the word. i know he didnt do anything of the sort, he likes tofabricate and exaggerate his stories. however...

even if its not in a derogatory statement or negative manner, he believes it is racist. several others i know have cosigned him

im not convinced, and disagree


(lock if done recently)
My manager says this. It irks the hell out of me. I almost have to laugh because its so ignorant. What is the history of the word though? Was it meant to be aderogatory word, did it develop into that?
[h3]Oriental is a Rug: Five Quick Thoughts on Race[/h3]

Recently, the Peanut and I were at Whole Foods when an elderly woman approached her and said, "Oh my, aren't you an adorable little Oriental girl?"

Because the lady was so damn old and probably doesn't think she's offending anyone when she calls African-Americans "colored people," I shrugged her off and walked away.

Naturally, the Peanut turned to me and said, "Daddy, what's Oriental?"

I have to admit that I kind of stutter-stepped. One thing I love about little kids is that they don't think in terms of race or the color of their skin. They pretty much judge them solely on their ability to relate to poop jokes, Dora the Explorer, and farts.

As Dennis Leary once said, "Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list."

Now, for better or worse, I tend to answer the Peanut's endless questions openly and honesty. So I sat her down and gently explained to her, "Oriental is a word used to describe objects from eastern Asia. Like rugs or teapots. Some people of earlier generations mistakenly use the term to describe all Asian people. However, that's generally considered politically incorrect. Does that answer your question, kiddo?"

"Yes, daddy. Can I have a cupcake?"

Proving once again that, in a perfect world, the only color that should ever matter is the icing on your cake.

courtesy: MetroDad.

racist?...not necessarily...depends on the use.
although I'd liken it more to the word "Negro" than the Nword.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Is calling asian people yellow racist?

im light skin an ive been called yellow

that aint racist either.

yellowbone or redbone in the black community isnt racist at least
That's why we need to get rid of the N word. SMH at people think they cool JUST cuz they say it before andafter every sentence
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Is calling asian people yellow racist?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you're telling me that song that goes "Red and Yellow,Black and White, they're all precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world" is a racist song?[/color]

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Is calling asian people yellow racist?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you're telling me that song that goes "Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world" is a racist song?[/color]

i use to sing this when i was a lil kid
Y'all some clowns. Cue the "this will not end well" where the Asian guy is walking up stairs, and replace the wife with the word"yellow".
Not racists, but degrading.

Oriental is a term used to address objects, (ie oriental food, oriental rug)

It's degrading to say "Oriental dude"

At the same time, I don't expect everyone to know this so I take it for what it's worth. You do come off as ignorant if you use it in the wrong contextthough.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

is there a non offensive better way to say "asian" eyes?

"almond eyes"
"Peripherally enhanced vision?"

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

is there a non offensive better way to say "asian" eyes?
I've heard the term almond shaped before....and just curious how would calling an asian person yellow offend them?
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