Is There Anything More Annoying Than....


Aug 20, 2001
People who listen to videos or music in public settings (eapecially transportation or seated areas) with no regard for others. I cringe especially when it’s profane rap or ratchet videos. If you can’t afford any headphones than you don’t deserve the right to disrupt others in public.

When you’re waiting for a single car that you think is going straight so you can cross the street then they turn without putting their blinkers on. Time is money.

Strangers who sit next to you or extremely close to you when their are plenty of other open seats away from you.

Strangers who try to start meaningless conversation when you have headphones in.

People who don’t pick up after their dogs. Don’t they know from General Cornrow Wallace what happens if you a **** a mans sneakers up?

I’m sure I’ll think of more but I’m curious to see what annoys my fellow NTers the most.

Edit: I swear that as I was posting this, I was headed to the trash can and a woman just did the third one :lol: :smh:
People who listen to videos or music in public settings (eapecially transportation or seated areas) with no regard for others. I cringe especially when it’s profane rap or ratchet videos. If you can’t afford any headphones than you don’t deserve the right to disrupt others in public.

God bless my dad, but we'll be at family events, watching a game on tv, or listening to the radio while we're driving and he'll start watching youtube videos. With his hearing going out he has the sound on full blast. Absolutely drives me insane.
I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I've NEVER heard any good music coming out of the speakers of people who play their music in public without headphones. 75% of the time it's some garbage local rapper while the other 25% it's some trash like Cardi B, Minaj, or whoever the hell that "buss it down thotiana" dude is

They LOVE to do this during morning commutes for some reason. 8 AM, everyone is going to work, people are trying to get some extra rest in during the commute...then on comes some dude with some janky bluetooth speaker BLASTING some terrible mixtape and rapping/dancing along to what's playing. How are you this hype at 8 AM??

A few months ago, some dude here actually got literally thrown off a train by 2 other passengers for playing some trash out loud on MUNI :lol: :pimp: needs to happen more often, but most of the time the people doing this look like they have nothing to lose or are covered in diseases
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A few months ago, some dude here actually got literally thrown off a train by 2 other passengers for playing some trash out loud on MUNI :lol: :pimp: needs to happen more often, but most of the time the people doing this look like they have nothing to lose or are covered in diseases

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I agree because I always want to say something but I got too much to lose. I just take the L. I think there should be noise pollution fines for this, though because it’s becoming rampant. I can get fined up to $1000 for tossing a water bottle on the ground but folks can freely stand in the train blasting some wack rapper I don’t even know with no penalty?
when those rabbits eat the rose bushes

people walking slowly on stairs bc they are looking at the phone
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The most annoying thing to me is when your watching a movie in the theater and someone is talking loudly during the movie pisses me off
people walking slowly on stairs bc they are looking at the phone

Simiilarly, people almost run into while walking because they were texting and in fact would have if YOU didn’t prevent the collision. Gotta stay woke out here.
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