is vitamin water healthy?

Do stores even sell the Vitamin 50 flavor anymore!?!? Was my fave, I never see it no more :nerd:
vita coco is the truth
I'm kinda skeptical on coconut water honestly, but overall I guess its an alright thing. But I think moderation is still key. 

On one hand i think its very interesting because it has almost the same pH and tonicity as blood that might (and already has in some cases) make it an ideal substitute for saline.

On the other hand, I wonder how established some of the claims are behind coconut water because it seems that not everyone is convinced its as great as its touted to be

TL;DR: Its cool. Better than juice, but not better than water.
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What about Vitamin Water Zero? I rock with those just to have something with some flavor.

Otherwise, water and green tea all day, every....
I just drink water lol. Once in a while, I may drink a diet soda. Yes, I know they aren't good for you but I do miss soda sometimes.
no, as people have said, vitamin water is not a healthy drink.

If people would eat proper foods to gain all the necessary nutrients for a healthier lifestyle, we would not need all these vitamin pills and fancy health drinks. Water is the only liquid you need to consume. All of these drinks that say "provides _____ nutrient" are nothing more than marketing schemes. If you drink them because they taste good, that's fine, but consuming them for the purpose of health is quite an uninformed choice.

I don't think it's right that people use supplements but that's ultimately a personal decision. I'm not sure manufactured compounds that are sold off the shelf are as healthy as they are claimed to be; these nutrients should already be obtained through eating normal meals, not through a pill.
XXX flavor almost frozen though >>> haven't had one in years because I came to the conclusion that it really wasn't vitamin water......
i like propel better

I love these because it has no sugars and actually has nutrients that your body needs everyday.
Dude is reading straight off the cue-card here... 

And what nutrients are those, my friend?

Ya'll know it IS possible to OD on even the "essentials" right? I mean not the same as like a meth overdose but too much of any "supplement" is NOT good for you. 
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My coach told me that you're supposed to drink 3x as much as water as gatorade since there's too many electrolytes and ishh in gatorade.

Gatorade isn't made for normal consumption, it's for athletes. That's why they made that garbage watered down G2 for people who want to drink it without working out.

With vitamin water I don't even think it really has a benefit for athletic purposes.
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Absolutely not, massive calories and sugar packed into it.

Also, I don't take protein powder anymore since it is poisoned with all kinds of artificial fillers.
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Why people acting like they don't make sports drinks with low sugar though?...not every Vitamin Water is 20+ grams of sugar....
Why people acting like they don't make sports drinks with low sugar though?...not every Vitamin Water is 20+ grams of sugar....
Even if its less sugar you've still got an exorbitant amount of preservatives and other chemicals that are used to make the product that you're ingesting at an elevated amount because you're taught to purchase it if you so much as walk to the mail box regularly. 
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Juice is in itself, basically poison these days.

Even OJ which is LOADED with carbs. 

A few years ago I got to shadow some Drs and one day they had this nutrition specialist come in and break down all the latest trends and studies on the topic.

HFCS is really nothing to play with and leads to staggering amounts of childhood obesity in record numbers. The sheer biochemistry behind enhanced amount of fructose in the body can wreak havoc on your system if you've been ingesting tons of it since you were a kid. 

On top of that, most kids don't need to drink the WHOLE bottle of gatorade. Merely :nerd:z will do, and often times not even that. Most of you all don't even need all that much "stuff" replenished in you.

Now electrolytes are good for you, no doubt, but you'll get most of them by eating healthy anyways. 

Water reigns supreme. 

Don't take this the wrong way, but most of that...well lets be honest...ALL of that stuff is the result of massive marketing campaigns and you just calling it "electrolytes and ****" really shows how easy it is for them to market random nonsense.

All you have to do is to pull some basic science words the general public really doesn't understand and give them some "official" backing or endorsement, then you've got people all over it. 

Everyone thinks they're immune to marketing until they go to buy something for themselves. 

My personal rule of thumb is this. I'll drink tea, coffee and water primarily. After that just alcohol. Why? Because honestly, once I have a sweet drink and it leaves my taste buds, I get NOTHING out of it. It just goes on to throw my sugar levels out of wack (I don't get sugar "highs") and i'll just feel sluggish for the rest of the day. I've grown to dislike sodas and stuff. Why the alcohol you ask? Well because if i'm going to poison myself I might as well get something out of it after I ingest it...a buzz, lowered inhibitions, etc. 

Dropping serious knowledge. Fructose corn syrup is poison.

Vitamin water, Arizona teas, Coke, Pepsi, Root Beer, everything has this crap in it these days. Water, tap or sparkling, beats all of it.

Be interested to hear more of your take on juice. I've limited intake of it recently because of the levels of sugar, even in freshly squeezed.

Juice is in itself, basically poison these days.

Even OJ which is LOADED with carbs. 

A few years ago I got to shadow some Drs and one day they had this nutrition specialist come in and break down all the latest trends and studies on the topic.

HFCS is really nothing to play with and leads to staggering amounts of childhood obesity in record numbers. The sheer biochemistry behind enhanced amount of fructose in the body can wreak havoc on your system if you've been ingesting tons of it since you were a kid. 

On top of that, most kids don't need to drink the WHOLE bottle of gatorade. Merely :nerd:z will do, and often times not even that. Most of you all don't even need all that much "stuff" replenished in you.

Now electrolytes are good for you, no doubt, but you'll get most of them by eating healthy anyways. 

Water reigns supreme. 

Don't take this the wrong way, but most of that...well lets be honest...ALL of that stuff is the result of massive marketing campaigns and you just calling it "electrolytes and ****" really shows how easy it is for them to market random nonsense.

All you have to do is to pull some basic science words the general public really doesn't understand and give them some "official" backing or endorsement, then you've got people all over it. 

Everyone thinks they're immune to marketing until they go to buy something for themselves. 

My personal rule of thumb is this. I'll drink tea, coffee and water primarily. After that just alcohol. Why? Because honestly, once I have a sweet drink and it leaves my taste buds, I get NOTHING out of it. It just goes on to throw my sugar levels out of wack (I don't get sugar "highs") and i'll just feel sluggish for the rest of the day. I've grown to dislike sodas and stuff. Why the alcohol you ask? Well because if i'm going to poison myself I might as well get something out of it after I ingest it...a buzz, lowered inhibitions, etc. 
Dropping serious knowledge. Fructose corn syrup is poison.

Vitamin water, Arizona teas, Coke, Pepsi, Root Beer, everything has this crap in it these days. Water, tap or sparkling, beats all of it.

Be interested to hear more of your take on juice. I've limited intake of it recently because of the levels of sugar, even in freshly squeezed.
I'm not a doctor (trying to be [] so don't take my word on it. Research it yourself as always)

I stole the "juice is poison" line from this doc at a local med school who is a pediatrician during one of his presentations.

I still think its pretty true.

I mean you obviously know that most juices are concentrated from syrups and the nutritional claims are often overstated, and even when you buy the real stuff even Simply Apple/Orange/etc, its all really just elevated levels of stuff you wouldn't eat naturally anyways. I mean thats like eating a handful of actual  oranges/apples/etc in a single setting so thats not that great either. Not saying to not eat fruits but just know what you're getting. 

Is it worth having PRE-diabetes (Yes, this is a thing now...) or other comorbidities like childhood obesity (Kids BMIs are out of control these days even adjusting for growth/development disparities) and hypertension just to have a sweet drink that does nothing but leave you craving for more? 

I mean once it leaves your taste buds, what do you get out of it?

Mind you, if you lived in a 3rd world country, i'd think the conditions might be different as A) you don't have choices and B) its better than nothing.

But HFCS regulation is kept very low to benefit those in the business of pimping it out....I'm nearing the territory of becoming a liberal-propaganda-machine so i'll back off on that

Also, dont believe companies that say they're super all natural. Even those super-expensive-so-they-must-be-good-for-you Odwalla's. They're pretty much trash too. They've had to add tons of preservatives and what not just to remain in the market.

As with anything, research matters but lets be honest: That Hi-C is nothing more than a concentrated sweet syrup. 

In all honesty, if you're geting most of your essential nutrients from juices and if labels of stated nutritional values have that much of effect on your consumption choices, then YOU ARE NOT EATING RIGHT in the first place. Thats just how I see it. 

The label on the bottle of Cherry-Limeade (nobody's perfect, right? shouldn't convince you that you're getting what you've been lacking all along. 

Remember, just because it doesn't taste sweet doesn't mean there aren't sugars in it. 
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