Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Jill Stein was at that dinner too.

I tend to find him on the ball about certain issues, but I disagree with him on COVID-19 lockdowns.

Some people can have very reliable and credible perspectives and reporting, despite all of our biases, but questionable takes on other issues.

That's where our media literacy kicks in in knowing and discerning certain biases and how that affects the reporting.

I don't see it as any different if he is more Pro-Putin/anti-imperialism West than all other journalists and reporters in the West that work for corporation-controlled Western media and are heavily pro-Western/American.
I don’t disagree with anything in your post.
My post was a critique against DLF DLF ’s media illiteracy.

As he has previously stated, he used to basically only watch CNN here and there.
After October 7th he ‘saw the light’ when it comes to mainstream media bias but somehow he went so far off the deep end that he has thrown the idea of media literacy, skepticism and basic critical thinking completely out of the window.

Any mainstream reporting is now immediately null and void in his view, whereas he uncritically consumes any media that either identifies as independent or comes from a country politically opposed to the US, west or Israel.

My point is that that actual media literacy means retaining sketicism, identifying potential bias of the outlet itself and particularly the author. It is vital to apply this to any reporting.

What DLF is doing is simply following a mindless flowchart.
If the reporting is from a mainstream outlet, everything in it is all lies and propaganda. Unless said reporting is critical of Israel of course, then it’s magically factual and ok again.
If an outlet is independent, then everything they report is mindlessly accepted as fact without even the slightest consideration for healthy skepticism, bias identification or any critical thinking at all.

It’s an extremely ignorant mindset to have, and is just as ignorant as someone who mindlessly watches CNN.
Also just for the record, please read reporting. Don’t watch an opinion-news broadcast masking itself as such.

A news outlet being independent does not magically erase all possibility of the same issues that mainstream news outlets have.
Max Blumenthal, who reports for an independent news outlet, is an excellent example of this. He completely changed his tune and started praising Assad and minimizing the Syrian regime’s actions right after he was invited by Putin to a Kremlin-sponsored dinner. Following that dinner and completely reversing his prior view and reporting also happens to coincide with him getting a girlfriend who works for Russia’s state-controlled news outlet Russia Today.

Does that mean anything Max Blumenthal reports should be dismissed? No, you don’t have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. His reporting on Syria post-Kremlin sponsorship is utterly ridiculous and unethical, sure, but that doesn’t necessarily apply to his reporting elsewhere or the reporting of other journalists working for the same outlet.

What his track record does warrant is extra scrutiny, identifying potential bias and checking for corroborations from other suitable outlets/reporters.
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Anyone know why Zionists are obsessed with rape?

It’s not rocket science. The simple fact is that horrible sex crimes generally evoke far stronger emotions in people.
It’s very basic psychological manipulation by Israel.

Of course it’s a disgusting owngoal when such manipulation campaigns fail and get exposed.
However what I’ve also sometimes seen/heard people pair with debunking the ‘mass sex crimes’ lie etc is a subconscious or deliberate attempt to further downplay the brutality of Hamas, specifically on Oct 7th.

Edit: Fixed grammar error
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It’s not rocket science. The simple fact is that horrible sex crimes generally evoke far stronger emotions in people.
It’s very basic psychological manipulation by Israel.

Of course it’s an disgusting owngoal when such manipulation campaigns fail and get exposed.
However what I’ve also sometimes seen/heard people pair with debunking the ‘mass sex crimes’ lie etc is a subconscious or deliberate attempt to further downplay the brutality of Hamas, specifically on Oct 7th.

I think another reason why they weaponize the widespread and mass SA/rape hoax is because the whole 'Believe women' tactic. As in, how dare you question any women, when from October 7th, they haven't even interviewed or identified one single victim for a mass widespread event. What women??Like that article said, it is not 'Believe Israeli Women', because what they mean is 'Believe the Israeli government'.

As in the downplaying, it depends what folks consider downplaying of events, because Israel had also blurred the lines and put out the most vivid brutal forms of atrocity propaganda, such as beheaded babies, babies in ovens, mass widespread SA (including breasts cut off, knife attacks in genitals, etc.), that the truth of what took place that day is actually downplayed from their atrocity propaganda. What was there to downplay on what took place that day when Israel is not up front about their role in also mowing down their own civilians due to their incompetence and failures, and also they went ahead to exaggerate about October 7 atrocities for the means to manufacture consent for genocide?

Also, I see it as the mass SA/rape is very disingenuous and plays on racist savagery tropes of brown/Muslim men for Israel to justify committing the most barbaric forms of crimes and genocide against Palestinians. It is very deranged to weaponize SA of women to commit genocide. They really tried to compare Hamas as some ISIS type of group, which has failed miserably. It is all Israel's fault. This is their doing in making their PR collapse which destroyed their image, and now they are known as patent pathological liars.

Palestinians never really had to exaggerate for their PR because pictures and videos ALWAYS showed the truth of Israeli's barbaric atrocities. Not saying Palestinians would not commit atrocities either (i.e. as we saw from go pros on October 7th of their shootings, suicide bombings in the past, etc. ), but it never compares to Israel's barbarism. Israel has to resort to fabricated and exaggerated atrocity propaganda. I cannot recall instances where Palestinian PR exaggerated or fabricated atrocity propaganda about Israeli actions, unless someone here can pull an example.
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It’s a bit odd that HOURS before Benny Gantz was going to resign over protest for direction of the war, the US/Israeli rescue teams goes to the exact location of the hostages and rescues them. Now Gantz cancelled his press conference and Netanyahus genocide looks like (to the Israeli sickos in their society) it’s showing positive results so hey, keep it going!

Netanyahu doesn’t give a **** about the hostages. But he will parade them (while probably hiding their testimony bc they won’t corroborate mass rape and torture) around to show he’s in fact “winning” the war.

Its all political and innocent people die in the crossfire of Bidens and Netanyahu war
It’s a bit odd that HOURS before Benny Gantz was going to resign over protest for direction of the war, the US/Israeli rescue teams goes to the exact location of the hostages and rescues them. Now Gantz cancelled his press conference and Netanyahus genocide looks like (to the Israeli sickos in their society) it’s showing positive results so hey, keep it going!

Netanyahu doesn’t give a **** about the hostages. But he will parade them (while probably hiding their testimony bc they won’t corroborate mass rape and torture) around to show he’s in fact “winning” the war.

Its all political and innocent people die in the crossfire of Bidens and Netanyahu war

What also about the fact this rescue operation used American assistance and the pier to get through to the camp. At least it's be exposed for the Trojan Horse it is.

The day the pier reopened to complete the operation and then go ahead by killing so far 210 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives.
What also about the fact this rescue operation used American assistance and the pier to get through to the camp. At least it's be exposed for the Trojan Horse it is.

The day the pier reopened to complete the operation and then go ahead by killing so far 210 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives.
Ya. Video circulating of an AID TRUCK was used as disguise.

Shocking! (Not really)
Fun fact

UAE backed RSF doing these atrocitites. Wanna who backs UAE?

USA and Israel.
Called it:
I have to wonder if that's gonna be the entry point for the eventual "the IDF is funding the Sudanese genocide through the UAE" conspiracy theory...

I don't understand how people can go entire lives without considering that smaller nations that don't register on the nightly news cycle can also have foreign objectives that are divorced from the what's happening between opposing global powers...
What also about the fact this rescue operation used American assistance and the pier to get through to the camp. At least it's be exposed for the Trojan Horse it is.

The day the pier reopened to complete the operation and then go ahead by killing so far 210 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives.
In circumstances where the IDF is unencumbered by ethics or proportionality in order to make Hamas lose, cool heads could've anticipated that they may try to lessen Hamas' leverage in negotiations by freeing hostages.

This accomplishes a couple of things: it placates the Israeli left/antiwar crowd who want a ceasefire in order to get the hostages back, it undermines the need for negotiations in the first place, and it bolsters the position of the Israeli far right.

If you ask me, it looks like Sinwar has overplayed his hand...
Racism, classism, and hatred for people you don’t know based on idiotic stereotypes is crazy.
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