Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Iran response incoming? :nerd:

But it’s been funny seeing the headline “US tells Israel that an attack will occur within the next 48 hours” for the past 7 days.

Also reading how people are telling Iran “do not escalate!”

While ignoring the fact that ISRAEL bombed the embassy FIRST
I feel beyond frustrated in this strange world we’re living in. Israel bombs an embassy in a foreign land, the world super power comes out saying “hey Iran don’t escalate” I am not sure I understand this.

Israeli settlers and army personnel sniping 10 year old kids, murdering people, and taking their homes, one of the white blue eyed Israeli settler goes missing and dies and it’s a “horrific murder”.

I can’t express how frustrated I’m feeling. So much injustice and the blatant lies and conflict of interests from government is too much.
“President Biden has been clear: Our support for Israel’s security is ironclad. The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defence against these threats from Iran”.

Why? Why are you standing with Israel? What have they done for you? What do they represent for you? You bum
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Why? Why are you standing with Israel? What have they done for you? What do they represent for you? You bum

At first, the US was mostly giving, but also selling weaponry to the Israelis, as well as allowing them to borrow from US banks at lower-than-market rates to support development efforts. In the 1980s and ’90s, the US and Israel began cooperating on research and development and production of weaponry. And in 1999, as former President Bill Clinton set out to foster lasting peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the US signed the first of three 10-year memorandums committing to provide billions in military aid annually.

After the 9/11 terror attacks, that money helped spur advancements in Israel’s surveillance technology and signal intelligence, which by the 2000s, “were at least as good as and in some cases better than [that of] the United States,” Beinin said.

Israel has also developed advanced manufacturing capabilities such that there are very few weapons or crafts that it could not produce on its own without US assistance, Beinin said.

The exception might be F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, but even parts of those crafts are currently manufactured in Israel. That has made Israel the 10th largest military exporter in the world — and also made the US conversely reliant on Israel.

When one of the IRGC generals is also seating on the leading body of a foreign militia, you can't act like Iran has not been bending the rules.

The April 1 air strike levelled the Iranian embassy's consular annex in Damascus, killing seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members, including two generals.

One of them was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the Quds Force, the Guards' foreign operations arm.

Zahedi was the only non-Lebanese on Hezbollah's eight-member Shura Council, the equivalent of the powerful Shiite Muslim movement's political bureau, led by secretary general Hassan Nasrallah, the source said, requesting anonymity because the matter is sensitive.

Not saying that firing on an embassy compound was particularly wise, but nobody is playing with clean hands here...

Yep, this is legit. Got 5 cows from Texas, but 1 got disqualified so 4 left. Everything is in tact for them to move forward. From what I hear, they plan on performing the sacrafice unannounced before Pesach 4/22. Unless that plan changes, once that happens then things get serious. They have been planning for decades. It aint a matter of if, but when they strike the Dome of the Rock, good ******* night. If it aint the end, its prolly gone feel like it.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -MLK, Jr.​

Israel has to be stopped. You can’t throw rocks and then cry when people retaliate.

I understand the U.S. wanting to protect Israel to have an ally in that section of the world, but it’s like a big brother always helping a little brother. As long as big brother is there, the little brother will always start BS.

~$1B to intercept missiles, but veterans here are denied help that they need. Smh.
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