Its International Left-Handers Day! All lefties welcome! NO RIGHTIES ARE ALLOWED TO POST. GO AWAY.

like a list of left handers makes club anything like them....maybe the female ones.
 its sad how desperate you are to hurt my feelings or something.

you're always quoting me and trying to get my attention.

You're like those annoying pre-teen girls on Twitter who tweet their celebrity crush over and over again in hopes that they'll respond.

Let me be great, even if you're anything but.
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Checking in.

It's a scientifically known fact that lefties are more handsome, more intelligent and more well endowed than their feeble, weak and smelly right handed counterparts.

Come at me orthodox bros!
hell yes!!!!! Team lefty
another lefty checking-in.

although i do shoot hoops in my right hand, but drive to my left like 90% of the time. kinda like lebron (who's left handed), i'm obviously better though
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