Its that time again...GIRL SCOUT COOKIES vol. F%$@ Nabisco

Oct 9, 2005
Went to the store earlier this mourning, only to find out that today is the first day Girl Scout cookies are being sold this year! Copped 3 boxes

Thin Mints in the fridge, FTW!
girl walked up to my door and gave me a free box as a sample
not enough peanut butters used to be my fave... this years its teh Caramel delights FTW

thin mints in the fridge are
3 boxes of samoas and 1 box of lemon creme chalets already purchased. I will keep on buying them everytime I happen to have cash in my pocket. FrozenSamoas=crack
those chocolate mint ones are the %#!+
havent bought any in years though..
YES! Got my box of Thin Mints and Caramel Delites on Friday after ordering over a month ago from my coworkers daughter. An hour later I had already finishedhalf of the Thin Mints box
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