Its Time For The United States To Have A Serious Look At Gun Control Laws

Bravo to Jason Alexander, that was extremely well put and thought out....the people arguing against that can only resort to name calling, hyperbole, and have ZERO statistics to back up their statements
fact of da matter is though, most murders done by criminals ARENT carried out by assault weapons, just plain ol' hand guns.

last time i checked, da gang members in chicago aren't mowing down their victims in AR15's and AK47s......its plain ol' pistols

so da assault weapons ban that was allowed to expire didn't change anything as far as violent murder is concerned.
Just so you know what he had, and the 100 round drum he had attached to it.

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Is the reasoning behind private gun ownership just a placebo against the "inevitable" government revolution the people are planning in some not to distant version of the future?

Is that it? 

So we don't end up like the citizens of countries involved in Arab Spring-type revolutions? 
When I get home I'll address Jason Alexander argument but for the moment I'll just say a free society will never be the safest type of society. Oh and so called "assault weapons" account for an insignificant amount of gun violence. And the assault weapons ban of 94 did nothing to curb violence.
When I get home I'll address Jason Alexander argument but for the moment I'll just say a free society will never be the safest type of society. Oh and so called "assault weapons" account for an insignificant amount of gun violence. And the assault weapons ban of 94 did nothing to curb violence.
LOL...when you do, just know that I was merely presenting his comments because I know people care about "big opinions"

I'm not sure if I agree with every word he said but it was an interesting perspective nonetheless.
AR Guy
Nope. Just showing how a primitive people used small arms with great success against a military force. What else is there to explain? If you don't like that example, Vietnam is another.
@ primitive people.  No dambs given.
These "people", if thats what you want to call them, shoot at us from villages and behind women and children. To where we can't fire back. Trust me. And when we do, well you know how the liberal media handles that. I promise you, fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan is no where near the same as a militia fighting the entire United States Military.
And then this!

An interesting point to consider, why wouldn't the militia forces here engage in guerilla warfare as well? It would be wise, considering they're outgunned and outmanned. 

Then it would be like Afghanistan, except both sides are the same color.
When I get home I'll address Jason Alexander argument but for the moment I'll just say a free society will never be the safest type of society. Oh and so called "assault weapons" account for an insignificant amount of gun violence. And the assault weapons ban of 94 did nothing to curb violence.

You're a good one brah... but no use trying to explain your position to anti gunners.
I guess they should also look into alcohol control, right?
If I can't trust trained officers to behave themselves with their guns in a tense situation then why the hell should I trust random citizens?
Hell i feel safer around an average guy with a gun sitting in his house than an officer of the "law" who feels he has free reign to do whatever he wants
In their house no one is a threat to you; but what happens when that guy goes outside still holding his gun? When they get in to argument and don't feel like being pushed around? When he feels he has free reign to do whatever he wants?
what happens when that guy decides to stab you, Beat you with a bottle, Run you over, completely beat the hell out of you until your dead......... Guns or not people who want to hurt you are going to hurt you.

I am not comfortable living in a country where the only people with weaponry are the same people who our powered by our government who in the snap of a finger can be told to start killing while we have no defense.

I see the way things are shaping up in this country and around the world, there is a large disconnect btwn the people and government and having all weapons confiscated is too much
Yeah he hurts me. Nobody catches a bullet that wasn't meant for them, he doesn't turn his gun on other innocent people and people don't get caught in a crossfire between him and me or him and the police. Murder doesn't go away but bodycounts start dropping. When's the last time someone went on a stabbing spree?

And if the idea is that we need guns so we can rise up in armed rebellion -- why hasn't that happened yet? We've had exactly two insurrections (The Whiskey Rebellion and Fries' Rebellion) both of which happened over two centuries ago and both of which were put down by the government. The Civil War? That was one side of the government and military fighting another side of the military and government.

Two hundred years. Every single war since Korea has been illegal. Blacks were used as lab rats to test syphllis. Our healthcare system is joke and so is our education system. The office of the President keeps extending its powers to the point where now they can basically kill anyone anytime they want with half of a reason and now they can do it half the world away without even needing to send an actual person. We've basically packed up and sold our government to corporations and lobbyists. All this and more. If this isn't enough to have already caused a revolution then just exactly will it take?

And BTW; I find it hilarious that the same people fighting to maintain gun laws where they are by and large the same people who also seek to deny women reproductive rights and keep gays from getting married. We can't have that but the right to keep things designed for killing need to be fought for at all costs right?
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The office of the President keeps extending its powers to the point where now they can basically kill anyone anytime they want with half of a reason and now they can do it half the world away without even needing to send an actual person. We've basically packed up and sold our government to corporations and lobbyists. All this and more. If this isn't enough to have already caused a revolution then just exactly will it take?

I don't believe this has happened yet because the U.S has made the people seem as if they still have control and live in a "free" society. However with the way they've been regulating things i predict that sometime in the next 10-20 years the facade that this is a democracy will be completely done away and we will be headed for a complete government controlled nation. In order for that to take place i fully expect the government to take lethal force ESPECIALLY against a nation that 1) doesnt own any weaponry 2) has no idea how to use weaponry
That situation already exists -- there are 311,591,917 people in the US right now. One you take away the police, the military, children, invalids and the elderly how many people do you think are actually capable of fighting the government out in the street with weapons? Weapons which by the way are going to pale in comparison to whatever the military has that hasn't been released yet to the public. And who's going to coordinate this effort? Where are these leaders going to spring up from?
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