Jalen Rose calls out Skip Bayless about High School Career

SAS acting like it's an athlete's dream come true to be an analyst when him and Skip would kill to be a professional athlete
Ryan Clark is destroying skip and screamin' A right now, "I have the same degree as Stephen A, except my hairline isn't pushed back."
these journalists have a warped sense of their own importance. rob parker tried to say that its more rare to be a journalist than a safety
Originally Posted by DubA169

these journalists have a warped sense of their own importance. rob parker tried to say that its more rare to be a journalist than a safety

He really did 

they skirted around everything Clark was saying.

Clark hit Hard when he explained the exact coverage the team was in and told Skip "him and the DB coach who texted him were both idiots and ignorant to what coverage the steelers were in..."

I have definitely had my fill of first take to last 3 years with these last two shows.
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