January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Almost would've rather had the @layziegunts avy :smh: :smh:

Going against The Man at WrestleMANia?

Had an awesome time at Mania despite the show being as long as it was, and having my view obstructed a bit by the dumb *** pillar. Definitely learned to pick seats a bit more wisely for outdoor shows going forward.

Will write more later today.

Good morning NT,

What a Wrestlemania, I have been a lifelong fan and I will admit there are times that I go on hiatus for months because I dont care about the product, but at rare beautiful times when WWE gets its right, it gets it RIGHT. That was a beautiful mania, Im gonna list off my top 10 moments.

1. Kofi winning was like the most satisfying win I have ever seen in my life, this match put to rest the atrocity that Booker had to go through with Triple H at that previous Mania. Xavier crying had me tearing up like a baby. The fact that they had the old shiny belt ready for him made the occasion feel special. Coming into 2019 none of us thought we would be seeing Kofi be WWE Champion on the biggest stage but man that was something special.
2. Seth Rollins win to kick off the show was beautifully done too, the image of him twirling the Univeersal belt at the top of the ramp was saisfying as hell. Goodbye for a looong time Lesnar.
3. The Iconics winning that tag team gold was another highlight, when Billie Kay got the pin and started balling I got a little teary eyed too.
4. I loved the whole Batista match, and for him to post that he is retiring on twitter was poetic. I like how after he bothced the ring entrance he went right back and did it again with a smile. Thanks Batista see you in Avengers: Endgme and Guardians 3
5. The spots in Smackdown tag team match were excellent, that match was done perfectly

Overall, this has maybe the most fun Ive had watching a WWE PPV in a loooooooooooong time. I dont really care about what happens tonight on Raw or going forward, THIS showed that WWE can actually listen to their audience and give us what we want, albeit you can tell these were not the plans they had heading into 2019 (ie Reign, Kingston) but they actually got it right just for one night.
Mark post. Happy you enjoyed it.
So glad that we decided to drive, btw. IT was an absolute **** show outside of MetLife after the show. Opened up Uber to see what IT was looking like if we didn’t drive and just started laughing. Heard that there were people waiting til 4am to get public transportation home too.

Had an awesome time at Mania despite the show being as long as it was, and having my view obstructed a bit by the dumb *** pillar. Definitely learned to pick seats a bit more wisely for outdoor shows going forward.

Will write more later today.

Yeah man, for any type of stadium shows. Knew they were going to have the pillars at Royal Rumble even though Chase Field had a roof. Had me studying the seating arrangements and layout of the park so I wouldn’t get got :lol:
So glad that we decided to drive, btw. IT was an absolute **** show outside of MetLife after the show. Opened up Uber to see what IT was looking like if we didn’t drive and just started laughing. Heard that there were people waiting til 4am to get public transportation home too.

Got out of mania with an uber for a cool $70 8)

Was tucked in bed by 1am :smokin
Had no business winning. WM has become more about creating "moments" than resolving feuds.

nah not even mad at them winning

Sasha and bayley are hands down the worst female workers on the roster currently. its not even close
nah keep it 100.

Sasha and bayley work terribly together

All of their tag team moves have been on botchamania all year.
If anyone is in Brooklyn and can scoop me a cup, IT would be greatly appreciated. They were all sold out at the merch stands and store at MetLife. By the time I realized they were at the concessions as well, they sold out there too.
If anyone is in Brooklyn and can scoop me a cup, IT would be greatly appreciated. They were all sold out at the merch stands and store at MetLife. By the time I realized they were at the concessions as well, they sold out there too.
I got you. Is it just a WM cup or are there different types
I got you. Is it just a WM cup or are there different types
It’s just the commemorative cup. The superstore had a billion of them, but I went before NXT on Friday and didn’t want to buy because I didn’t think I’d be able to bring them into Barclays.
Met someone at CVS who went last night. He said he got back to his hotel at 430. I could tell he went because he was still wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday.
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