January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Gene using Charly as his cum dumpster. :pimp:

AEW Dynamite Preview (Nov. 13, 2019): Fallout
Tonight (Nov. 13) All Elite Wrestling comes our way from Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. AEW is fresh off the heels of their first post-tv PPV Full Gear and tonight we see how well they handle the fallout.
Advertised for tonight:
  • World Tag Team Championship match featuring “Le Champion” Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara versus SCU (Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) (c)
  • PAC versus Hangman Page in a rubber match
  • MJF explanation
Here are our five questions about AEW tonight:
1) Does the Inner Circle need more gold?
The Inner Circle are the number one baddies of AEW. An argument could be made that giving them the tag team titles in addition to the championship would make the crowd hate them even more. There are only two men’s belts after all! It would be interesting to give motivation to essentially the whole company to set their sights on the Inner Circle. Would they be able to survive an onslaught from the entire company? It would also be interesting to see how they handle the tag belts in a stable. Would Jericho be a selfish leader and keep his two belt status all to himself or would he let the belts rotate Freebird style?
More likely than not, however, this match is going to end with a Lucha Bros run in and end in, you guessed it, shenanigans. The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels, returned at Full Gear after a brutal attack from the Lucha Bros. They have unfinished business, and if we’re being honest, a way better feud to feature in the tag team division. Sorry, Sammy!
2) Why, MJF? Why?

It was bound to happen sooner or later, but GD it if MJF didn’t have me fooled! He was so convincing as Cody’s best friend, and when he threw the towel in at Full Gear - ending the match and Cody’s shot at any future championship matches - I really felt like he did it from genuine concern for his friend. They even had me convinced that Cody was going to be the one to turn on him! *Chef Kiss*
It’s 50/50 on whether or not MJF says anything at all or just sits in smug silence waiting for another drink to be thrown. Both solid choices, but I’m leaning on a snarky promo. The man loves to hear himself talk! But will Cody let him get a sentence out before his window shattering tendencies get the better of him?
3) Who is Le Champion’s next opponent?
PAC and Hangman Page have their rubber match tonight. My guess is whoever wins this battle (and therefore the war!) will set their sights on Jericho as they are the only two that make sense right now considering the ongoing AEW story lines.
If PAC wins, he has a record with only one true loss and therefore has proven himself to be one of the top guys in the company and deserving for a title match. If Page wins, he has only accomplished step one on his path of redemption. He lost to Jericho once, and he’ll be looking to prove that was a one time thing!
4) Is Kenny Omega alive?
Full Gear ended with a bloody and beaten Kenny Omega essentially curled into the fetal position after his Lights Out match with Jon Moxley. Moxley, for what it’s worth, seemed fine, but he’s a madman who loves barbed wire almost as much as his wife. Omega stepped up and showed his sadistic side, but he seemed like a shell of himself at the end of the match. I, of course, want to know if he is physically OK, but more than that I want to know if he is mentally OK! Did Moxley break him or did he just give him a taste for blood?
Additionally, it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Mox after this match. Technically he won, but it won’t effect his record which leaves him in a kind of no man’s land where the only prize is the ability to say “I told you so” to your boss.
5) What’s next for the women’s division?
The champion, Riho, won her match against her mentor Emi Sakura.
Britt Baker didn’t rip the jaw off Bea Priestly like she promised, but she did win.
Brandi is haunted and Awesome Kong is prowling the women’s division snatching weaves.
Oh, also there is the unfinished story with Allie and Brandi, not to mention WHERE THE HECK IS NYLA ROSE?
This division is an absolute mess. The matches are consistently good (thank somebody!), but the inconsistencies in story telling and character building are maddening.
Hopefully, some creative ideas got knocked loose during that Lights Out match and Omega can figure out something compelling to do with their roster of incredibly talented wrestlers.
Tune into AEW on TNT at 8 ET tonight to see if we get any answers to these questions.
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