January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Iiconics better not get “you deserve it!” chants as if they’ve been overlooked and held down for 15 years :lol:

As if garbage *** Sasha and Bayley weren't terrible enough in the ring, they replace them with perhaps the worst possible combination of women on the main roster to win the titles at Mania..Plus they uggos..
I got a big stick uce

Looks like Drew vs Seth is being advertised in cities including for Extreme Rules. That makes me think that Roman is indeed going to SD and I think that will be good for him.

Wasn’t the shake up suppose to be like the last Monday of April?

Shake up is next Monday and Tuesday.
What do you guys think about wrestler demotions.

Since WWE is supposed to be transitioning into a more “serious” sport, would something like that work?


Something in the vein of the 10 Day Contract in the NBA might work instead of permanent call ups. Longer than 10 Days but maybe a test run to see how they fare and if it doesn't work let them go back and work in NXT instead of doing nothing buried on the roster.
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