January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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She sucks on the mic in general and is average at best in-ring. Got carried by Sasha on the mic in their NXT feud, which actually made IT interesting.

Not sure what y'all dudes are expecting at this point. Main roster isn't NXT.

She's trash on the mic in general but we have no idea at all what she would be like as a heel. She needs a major change, and it starts with a turn, along with new attire and a new theme.
She's trash on the mic in general but we have no idea at all what she would be like as a heel. She needs a major change, and it starts with a turn, along with new attire and a new theme.
I'm all for IT. Everybody should get to play both sides at some point. If she trash as a heel though....

danger style danger style

Zeus v Sai and Kento v Big Dog from CC day 8 :nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd:

Also Joel Redman is getting over with me...I mess with him

How’d you know :nerd: I just finished up day 7 last night. Will try to knock out 8 after the gym.

I mess with Redman too. Good, aggressive British grappling.

Too bad most of the other outsiders are trash. Sam Adonis :smh:
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