January Wrestling Thread/Tonight NXT 8PM EST/RIP Mean Gene Okerlaud


Gene was ready to break as soon as Sheik started talking :lol:

Gene did a solid job keeping composed in the beginning. I think the cameraman laughing is what did him in. You can hear it at 1:00 and then after that they had to zoom Gene out of the picture :lol:



Young RVD selling game :lol:

:lol: I like how big *** trophies permeate every major sport in Japan

DC cried for years about wrestlers breaking character online

Now he has a wrestler who does the onlines right and he says she tries to hard

Just because she's a female

I blame Joe Rogan for radicalizing him

Joe "Newborn Babies Should Be Dosed With Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" Rogan
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