Jean-Michel Basquiat paintings

I'm just now starting to notice this guy's work, been seeing these paintings for years but never knowing who they were by and I absolutely love the style.
[COLOR=#red]Any other artists out there with a similar style?[/COLOR]

I know a couple of 2nd graders if you're interested in that kind of style.

I've watch a documentary about this guy and I beleive he was more loved for who he was than he was for his art and in defining that love people grew to appreciate his art,espacially after his passing.
I agree his stuff isn't the greatest from a technical standpoint but there is a point and message to all of his works. Besides his art looked like no one else's at the time; that's all that matters.

Great guy.
dudes only liking Basquiats cuz all the rappers started talking about them....smh hypebeasts


how come in the 90s when people were influenced by rappers it was okay

but if your influenced by rapper these days your a clone, a richard rider, or a hypebeast
how come in the 90s when people were influenced by rappers it was okay
but if your influenced by rapper these days your a clone, a richard rider, or a hypebeast

Cause now its too easy with the internet to look up at a rapper and try to emulate... making you a d rider aka a hype beast

back in the day if you knew a lil something or caught on to a a fad it was more unique because it expressed ones knowledge from the norm. Even hating on something was less of an insult back then because then someone might hear all the hate and suggest something else.... now its not that cool to hate cause its too easy to just get on the computer and search for a better artist etc.

different times
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i love art. im not a huge basquiat fan, im not even a huge picasso fan. i love cubism but i dont like cartoonish stuff 3 year olds can make. i like substance and aspect. painting that are flat with no intended depth or skill set used are pointless to me. i need more out of a piece of art work than colors and stick figures. no matter what the interpretation of the pieces are
Wes -

Basquiat was one in a million, very talented ahead of his time

Him and Warhol were tight, they did some collabs together, you may want to look those up

if you want to see a good documentary on him, look up Radiant Child on netflix

been a basquait fan for awhile.. never heard of a rapper referencing him until recently(two-three years)..
his work is not for everyone.. love the social and political influence.. st. joe Louis.. three pointed crown..

edited for the above poster.. not just radiant child.. but basquiat with Jeffrey wright.. Netflix has like 3 or 4 pieces on him..

it's just different.
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Looks kinda like some african paintings to me, wish I could paint something decent :lol:
No offense OP its cool to be interested and just getting put on.  Its just kind of sad when dudes only learn about stuff through rap music.
:lol: No offense OP its cool to be interested and just getting put on.  Its just kind of sad when dudes only learn about stuff through rap music.

See the thing is I didn't get put on through rap music....I don't even know what these dudes are talking about.

I literally just googled famous black painters and he was one of the first ones to come up.
at least the interest is sparked, doesn't matter what ignites it.


Look up Jacob Lawrence I think you will like his style.

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