Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Checking in with some words of encouragement. Your time is coming guys. Keep pushing and things will change soon. Not only will things change but an abundance of great things will come along with your perseverance. Just under 2 years ago I was in the same boat (and this thread) and I finally received and accepted an offer. Just last week I was approached by the VP of the company I work for who gave me some insight on a supervisor position in another department coming up that he feels I'd excel in and would like for me to go out for it. There's no way I would have believed somebody 2 years ago if they told me these things would happen. Keep telling yourself "I'm one ____ (insert day, week or month) away from a job" and at some point it'll be true.

Congrats to those with recent offers as well :pimp:
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If you're jobless and you have a car, do uber eats. Easy, decent money and you set your own schedule so you can do it as much as you'd like. Use my referral code if you do

I did Uber for like 3 months. Would only recommend it as a last resort. Wear and tear on car, you don't get reimbursed for gas/repairs, and it f****s your back, hips, and posture up something serious.
Those help, but experience is more important, it's not a new career you can pick up. You'll be trusted to know the technology and business well enough to introduce and lead new solutions, basically super Sr systems engineer territory.
:smh: :smh:
Yea I have no clue what any of that is.

I'm just a kid still trying to find his way in life

If you're jobless and you have a car, do uber eats. Easy, decent money and you set your own schedule so you can do it as much as you'd like. Use my referral code if you do :nerd:

Yeah doing Uber eats ain't worth it. That's for only if your back is against the wall and down to your absolute last
Got an offer today

Most money for a job I've had so far. Spoken to 3 ppl. And got the offer same day

Killed it. I start on the 27
Damn, was just editing your resume.


Congrats, fam. Go in and crush from day one.
Just wanted to up date. After a good 7 months of searching and countless phone interviews, I had TWO of my best interviews of all time today. Totally blew both of them away. Pretty much was told I got the job for one, and the other I'm sure an offer will follow soon. Hope to report back with an offer late on my next post. Keep grinding guys, I know it seems like it will never happen, but it will eventually pay off!
Just wanted to up date. After a good 7 months of searching and countless phone interviews, I had TWO of my best interviews of all time today. Totally blew both of them away. Pretty much was told I got the job for one, and the other I'm sure an offer will follow soon. Hope to report back with an offer late on my next post. Keep grinding guys, I know it seems like it will never happen, but it will eventually pay off!
stay hungry!!!! Sounds good so far

Im still searching for that 2nd shift position. Kinda hard when I get out of class at 145pm on Mon/Wed but most positions start at 2pm...
Regarding the uber eats, I don't recommend it for full time unless you absolutely need something. It's my side hustle, I do it for a few hours every few days. I get an extra 150-200/week.
My car is fairly good on gas so I'm not sure how cats figure it's not worth it.

I saw a job on indeed this morning that I wanted to apply for... Few hours later it was gone :smh: and it was only up for 7 days.
weighing options on whether i want to move on
you think 4 yrs at a job is good enough where prospective employers dont look at me "jumping around" jobs?
any tips on how to plan interviews when you are working full time already?
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Four years is a fair amount of time at one place, if you fear retaliation or unfair treatment because you intend on leaving. I'd recommend if asked can the potential employer contact your current employer you deny the request. Keep it on the low that you are interviewing elsewhere.
I can you all a job at 40k plus benefits in Northern Virginia. It's IT sales, marketing, recruiting and contracts. Message me if you're interested. only requirement is a bachelor degree and they do not check background, references, transcripts or anything. 
Wait, companies you're applying to actually call your current employer and ask?


Job I applied for required a reference from a colleague at my current job and a manager...At my current job. I've legit only had 1 boss the 3 years I've been at my current place so I had to present some...Uhh.. alternative facts in order to fulfill their request. Luckily I'm cool with a manager in another department who was willing to help me, but yeah these places really try to screw you over before they even commit to hiring you. It's crazy.
Going through an intense background check now and they only want people from my previous company, including contacts i'd rather not give them. It's leaving a poor taste in my mouth.
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