Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Today was my first day at the new job, it went well. I'm glad to be back in the workforce. Laaaaawd it felt SO good to actually get off :smh: I've been doing ubereats since i was laid off November 19th and there's always this subtle guilt bc you feel like you should be out there driving. No more.

The past few months have been trying. Physically, emotionally and financially (especially when they pushed my start date back a month). I told one of my best friends that he has permission to slap me if i ever complain about this job. I was bad about complaining about jobs in the past. I'm grateful for ubereats and i feel like it humbled me and made me respect my money more and appreciate actual jobs more.

Again, if you're in need of some bread or just want some side money, here's some info on ubereats. It kept me afloat through this tough time.

And you'll get a guaranteed amount for you're first 25 (or 30) trips if you use my referral link:

Good for you bro. Nothing will humble you more than being out of work or working and getting **** hours.

I’m starting my new job today too. About to go in now. Nervous and excited but mostly excited. Let’s go!
Today was my first day at the new job, it went well. I'm glad to be back in the workforce. Laaaaawd it felt SO good to actually get off :smh: I've been doing ubereats since i was laid off November 19th and there's always this subtle guilt bc you feel like you should be out there driving. No more.

The past few months have been trying. Physically, emotionally and financially (especially when they pushed my start date back a month). I told one of my best friends that he has permission to slap me if i ever complain about this job. I was bad about complaining about jobs in the past. I'm grateful for ubereats and i feel like it humbled me and made me respect my money more and appreciate actual jobs more.

Again, if you're in need of some bread or just want some side money, here's some info on ubereats. It kept me afloat through this tough time.

And you'll get a guaranteed amount for you're first 25 (or 30) trips if you use my referral link:

I did uber when I got laid off too. Was glad to get off that. My body and car took a beating. Being sedentary in a car all day is :sick:
Good for you bro. Nothing will humble you more than being out of work or working and getting **** hours.

I’m starting my new job today too. About to go in now. Nervous and excited but mostly excited. Let’s go!

Sooooo not exactly what I was hoping for. Not exactly sure what I was hoping for though. Didn’t enjoy day 1 though - like at all.
Still a job man. And you'll have an easier time finding something else while employed

Yeah, trying not to be negative about it. Hoping with time it becomes tolerable for the time being because the perks are great.

But if anyone knows what kind of jobs are out there for someone wanting to wind up in sports PT one day (anything to get around that environment) please let me know. Gonna look now.
My bonuses come comingled with my check so I can never really parse out the nonsense taxes.
Damn, taxes and all took 40% out of my bonus.
Always put work experience on a resume in chronological order? Applying for a job and it's for a field that I previously worked in... so it seems like it would be more relevant if I put that previous experience first.
How do you go about asking for a better raise? I just got my review done about 2 weeks ago, and I pretty much got an average total score of 94/100. The raise was reflected on this last paycheck on Friday. I only got a $1 more and I feel like I deserve so much more than that. Is it too much to ask for even if I've only been here 6 months? :lol:
How do you go about asking for a better raise? I just got my review done about 2 weeks ago, and I pretty much got an average total score of 94/100. The raise was reflected on this last paycheck on Friday. I only got a $1 more and I feel like I deserve so much more than that. Is it too much to ask for even if I've only been here 6 months? :lol:

What do you do?
slighted said:
Damn, taxes and all took 40% out of my bonus.

Yeah, that **** is annoying. I work "hard" for my bonuses.:smh:
New job is intense and tedious like a mf. Now I see why it pays so well. The training is hard too. You're not even supposed to take the material home to study, yet they want you to be able to spit it out flawlessly.

The American work day should be cut down to 6 hours :smh: they're really milking people dry.

And yes, taxes ravaged my check smfh. Legit thought someone was garnishing my ****. Another dude at work said taxes takes 25% of his check smh. My ex and i talk occasionally and she hit me with the humble brag "taxes kill my check too, there's like $800 in deductions, that's some people's entire check" she's a federal lawyer so she probably gets paid biweekly and obviously making bank.
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Asking for a raise in six months is a bold move.

Intriguing conversation about the taxes. I am. Also taxed a ridiculous amount but I claim zero.
New job is intense and tedious like a mf. Now I see why it pays so well. The training is hard too. You're not even supposed to take the material home to study, yet they want you to be able to spit it out flawlessly.

The American work day should be cut down to 6 hours :smh: they're really milking people dry.

And yes, taxes ravaged my check smfh. Legit thought someone was garnishing my ****. Another dude at work said taxes takes 25% of his check smh. My ex and i talk occasionally and she hit me with the humble brag "taxes kill my check too, there's like $800 in deductions, that's some people's entire check" she's a federal lawyer so she probably gets paid biweekly and obviously making bank.

Yeah whoever created the 9-5 sucks. Should be something like 4days x 8hrs or 5days x 6hrs.
I claim tax exaempt for my bonus. Rather be taxed for it at the end of the year at 15% or whatever than the bs 40%

This is what I'm gonna do. I know it's a major responsibility to pay your taxses, so society can function, but it doesn't mean uncle Sam should be dipping his hands in my pocket when I Wana put that OT in or work hard in my field. I'm not try a be on some Wesley snips avoid my taxses, I just want my money so I can take of my lifestyle .
This is what I'm gonna do. I know it's a major responsibility to pay your taxses, so society can function, but it doesn't mean uncle Sam should be dipping his hands in my pocket when I Wana put that OT in or work hard in my field. I'm not try a be on some Wesley snips avoid my taxses, I just want my money so I can take of my lifestyle .
amen any OT you do at any job most of it will go to taxes anyways makes you wonder is taking the OT even worth it
My first week I worked 45hrs, so basically 47.5 when you calculate ot. My check after taxes was the exact amount that I'd make before taxes working 40hrs. So I'm basically dedicating a day a week to the country smh
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