AGREED. A lot of people are keeping quiet. With the number of lurkers in here it's just wise until you secure your pair IMO.

At this point there's 2-3 people I'd gladly share lists with on NT but I know they've been working this whole time too.
no doubt, every man (and woman :lol:) for themself. Be careful though. I emailed a handful to update on shipping and some wont send here. Aussie one of em. That said though, i cherry picked that gamma thread like a beast.
Dang this thread is MOVING, gone for a little bit and so many posts. All these new people in here, like where have y'all been this whole time
. Anyone get a call from DTLR if they won the raffle?
AGREED. A lot of people are keeping quiet. With the number of lurkers in here it's just wise until you secure your pair IMO.

At this point there's 2-3 people I'd gladly share lists with on NT but I know they've been working this whole time too.
Honestly that is the best way to go at this point.

I don't like it but hey, it is what it is...

1.) Secure your pair(s).

2.) Help the community. 

3.) Feed the lurkers.

in that order
Some members of the community are lurkers man 
Should Have never passed up on that 230 I would have took that right away


You know what, you should show up out of the bloom after everything else dies down. Go there to act like you are looking around and when they approach you asking you for any help, I would tell them "I do not want to buy your shoes because you refused to sell me the black/red 1's." I know it is a douche move, but they get what they deserve.

Edit: Misha, I'm not referring to you, I'm referring to Mart (whom you quoted).
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It's threads like these that I put 100 Posts per page. The moment I bookmark and step away I'm 10 pages behind.

Everything was enjoyable except for the reseller comments of 600-1000? (awaiting a very strong COMONNNN MANNNN gif/pic). 

Good luck to all those that want it for themselves...... 
So everybody else's sheik is doing raffles? My local shop is gonna be FCFS is there reason for the different procedures ?
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