These may not be as limited as folks think. will have up to size 18 avail online.

As a dude who wears a 16, I can tell you for a truly limited release sizes above 15 rarely even get made

Not saying I'm right or that this is a GR or anything, just my .02

Good luck to all trying to cop. I'll be there with you but if we miss out; it's just a pair of shoes.

That's not true man
bboyd bboyd my man Grape is that you...?What happened to your old id bro?And I was wondering where were you ... Welcome back fam.

Thanks Greek! I've been creepin in the shadows and lending a hand when I can lol. And you're spot on. Westbrook was the Avi. Once it pops up I get da ban hammer tho so I try to be a little nicer and discrete when I can help it :smile:

lovehateself lovehateself yo, thanks for that homie. Hope things are good and you can come up on these baaaaaad OG 1's!
At florida mall and beasts left and right at both hoh and Footaction. I think I have a better chance at winning the lottery :smh:
tomorrow the day fam, hope everyone successful. Plotting this footlocker heist atm
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Well I don't flourish tomorrow morning, I'll jus have to stare at these for awhile til I'm over it LOL
i want those.
I have over 80 pms to respond to right now so here are a few things i can answer

1. What websites will have a bypass?
- NDC , Fooaction, eastbay , and footlocker ONLY

2. Is the NDC bypass the same as the other methods?
- NO, it will be completly different but you will not have to get stupid "your spot is being held"

3. What about other sites that you listed ?
- Yes , their method will be the same as they have the same error within , the only thing that will very is checkout payment as other
Websites may take longer .

4. Can you please give me link early bro? I have over 2k post and been here for years... Or I know im new here but can you please drop me the methods early?

- I will only give methods early to people that i feel are trust worthy, because it only takes one person to post and trust me these methods will be fixed very easily especially for billion dollar nike website

5. Can i use my apple products for these releases ?

- As of right now no, but me and my boy are currently looking for a fix

6. Who is responsible for finding these methods?

- Cosmonaut (Me) and my friend who wishes to remain anonymous because he can lose his job

7. What time will you drop the methods?

I will be dropping them in ONE post to save time, and they will be released at least five minutes after shoes go live. For me that is 8:05 but there are different timezones etc etc.


For the several people who have offered giving me giftcards and money via paypal thanks for offering but I dont feel right accepting money from the fam for doing a good deed.
Thanks for your contribution to the site.  It would be easy to keep this method to yourself but to share with everyone is pretty cool I must say.  If I don't get to see it in time to get a pair of the 1's that's ok, I'll still remain grateful for the gamma link.  Wearing them now, one of my new fav's
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Wish I could help some guys out who really want the shoe like I've done in the past but this will be a tough release
Wish I could help some guys out who really want the shoe like I've done in the past but this will be a tough release
There's too many factors right now affecting that, might as well just help out the locals around your area
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