Jordan At Hard Rock

Dec 27, 2008
Since there's nothing else really to talk about. I was at Hard Rock Casino in Tampa on Friday. MJ was there with Charles Barkley. Couldn't get agood look at them because they were in the high rollers section with hundreds of people and security surrounding them. Word is that MJ lost about a mill andBarkley made off pretty well. Crazy the amount of money they can drop, but to them it's nothing...
yeah whats new jordan is always gambling, just think if his brand wasnt so successful he just be another mc hammer
High Rollers are unskilled rich guys that lose large amounts of money. Michael Jordan should learn how to play Hold 'em.
Originally Posted by jayzv

just think if his brand wasnt so successful he just be another mc hammer


barkley gambles a lot, he should just give it to charity if hes going to gamble all of his money away
i thought barkley had committed on air to giving up or taking a break from gambling since that recent incident which this casino blew up about him owing themwhatever sum of money it was? its somethin when guys say somethin on tv and not stick with it personally

but hey its not any of our bizz what the guys do, its their life etc (and after all they are the super rich)....but its really something...another governor ofalabama seat hit for barkley i guess in not being able to keep his word. (or i might be gettin my story all wrong) but is chuck really serious about runningfor that governor seat?

butttttttttt......its about time dude return to studio-j......webber and payton need to return to nbatv's tuesday slot (although they have handled it wellso far, especially webber- that refreshing not "stuck up", down to earth character works well for an analyst, they're havin fun.....and likingall the GP vs Jet faceoffs)

should this really be here in the JB forum??
MJ like gambling,I heard MJ once lost 3 million dollars ~~~that was at least 10 years ago ~
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

useless without pics

obviously I couldn't get pics. I don't understand why people comment if they have nothing useful to say
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