I see people in here saying that the show isn't about styling and stuntin. News Flash, that's what helped build up the popularity of wearing sneakers outside of sports, during the 1980,s as a kid. It's a huge disconnect from what initially made sneakers/tennis popular back in the 1980,s, when i was a kid. As opposed to what social media turned it into today. Not to sound racists, because I never was and never will be.
But street fashion from hustlers, down to the rappers, actors, and celebrities, along with the athletes. Were wearing the shoes in a stylish way on TV and outside at events, is what helped consumers gravitate towards tennis shoes more. Rap videos, TV shows, and watching the signed athletes perform in them is what helped build this community.
At certain times back then, you would see certain people outside with a clean fit, and maybe some jewelry, with those new pair of Jordans, trainers, max,s reeboks, elleses, etc. It would make you want them even more when the shoes were worn right.
Fast forward to right now, the entire culture of shoes has changed dramatically. To the point of, its way more of a collectors type of hobby right now. By the comments in here telling us that those guys don't have to worry about having any style, when it comes to their clothes, shows everybody that.
Due to the effects of the reseller market, collab shoes, and social media in general. The people who should be the face of the sneaker community aren't, because they don't really want to be apart of something that's turned corny and cringe.
Add to the fact, the people that are in the position of power on social media, controls who represents this thing we call the sneaker/shoe community. So at this point, it's the uncool kids of the school, aka nerds, with no style, people who are literally the new face of tennis shoes/sneakers today.
It's not even about getting fresh and fly, by putting on a new fit, with some DS new shoes, and some jewelry anymore. That's what gave the tennis shoes life outside of the athletes making history in them. Now it's all about watching awkward looking people wearing odd weird fits with new shoes. Then the talking points are about the resale value, upcoming releases, and how many pairs are made.
It's not about watching your favourite athletes, wearing them in a game anymore, or seeing someone in a clean fit with them on. Its all about collecting the shoes, and treating them as if they're pokemon cards nowadays.