Just Don x Air Jordan 2

Well, looks like i'm gonna have to save an entire month's worth of minimum wage earnings to go get a pair on Ebay now. 
well i'm not going to lie, i was just trying to get these to super gouge some fool so i'm not mad. these shoes are absolutely hideous. i don't care who made them, ugly is ugly. 
Since these are done, does anyone know what to do with TND info he tweeted?
oh twitter they are saying it sold out about 20 mins before launch on website smh 
people that got them are probably a bunch of solemartys
JD pulled a backdoor jimmy "red octobers". sizes were never in stock. I kept my checkout page from yesterday even through the site update. They succeeded in building the hype, that was the goal. Silva then Super bowl. IaintEEmmad
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