Just picked up my Xs not very impressed with quality.

Nov 30, 2003
Just picked up my chicago s and im not impressed. They look like plastic and are gonna be creased within 10 miinutes of wearing. Also in the "release" thread the pic has the shoe coming with a tag??? I did not receive a tag and I thought we were getting new boxes for 2k12??? NKETLK higher upps not sure if this should have gone in the chicago X thread, its not release related or who is gonna buy related??its more a quality issue. Sorry if I misunderstood
Is anyone ever "impressed" with the quality of a Jordan release any more? It'd be impressive if there weren't minor defects in the majority of pairs released to the public.
If you read the official "release" thread, you'd notice that it's a hit or miss with the hang tag on these pairs. Nobody knows why. Also, everyone is noting that the quality is on par, so who knows what you're talking about when it comes to the quality, to the point to where you make a thread complaining about it. Xs do crease, especially since the leather they used on these, but you can fix that if you really want to with shoe trees.

RETURN THEM if you don't like them, don't go and post a brand new thread. This should have gone in the "release" thread like you stated.
people i understand the 1-21 buying thread..however it is pertaining to people who are going to buy. I already bought, i am now trying to figure out some quality issues. Such as the tag with red X ribbon on it in the thread pic. I did not receive, and its a regular Jordan box...help me out..its easier to be negative...do I comment on the fact you post pics of girls with your username that dont know you exist???
Originally Posted by spizike231

If you read the official "release" thread, you'd notice that it's a hit or miss with the hang tag on these pairs. Nobody knows why. Also, everyone is noting that the quality is on par, so who knows what you're talking about when it comes to the quality, to the point to where you make a thread complaining about it. Xs do crease, especially since the leather they used on these, but you can fix that if you really want to with shoe trees.

RETURN THEM if you don't like them, don't go and post a brand new thread. This should have gone in the "release" thread like you stated.
on par with what though...jordan quality?
  I wouldn't take those endorsements to heart...lowered standards make sub-par quality on par. 

but yeah, this should go in the official thread.   
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