Kim Kardashian gives birth to Kanye Wests baby girl, PICTURES LAST PAGE!!!!!1

I know they're keeping quiet on the baby to milk the cash but am I the only one who lowkey hopes the kid is white as hell and that there would be no way it's kanyes kid?
There's no way that kid is going to be white, even if it ISN'T Kanye's kid.

well that was stupid.

she married Kris Humphries though. he white.

So cant say she is only into black men.

She prolly getting piped by white guys on the side.
Keep telling yourself that.
She's probably getting piped by other black dudes on the side.

And that Kris Humphies marriage was a publicity stunt.
Keep telling yourself that. :lol: She's probably getting piped by other black dudes on the side.

And that Kris Humphies marriage was a publicity stunt.
So is her relationship with Kanye. Come to think of it does she ever do anything that is not a publicity stunt
I think Reggie and her were real that's about it

But I don't even think Chris hit it
Seems like that was a complete contract
didnt ronaldo smash too?
Alot of people smash that. but the true question is how long is her relationship with ueezy is gonna last.

She lasted 3 days in a marriage

now she has a child ill give her a year and shes on to the next talented African American.
Im black. So stop.

I'm not sure why you just told me your race but nice to meet you sir.

Kim is stereotyped as loving black men, there is some truth to it. The fact that she been taking pics with the likes of Justin Beiber means nothing. >D

All stereotypes are true now? :lol: Homie up there just posted that she dated a few guys that are not black, yet you bring up Justin Beiber. :smh:
Obviously none of them wanted to chalk up the L

White people stay winning
lol Kim isn't all that hot to me either, but I know a lot of white people attracted to her.

I hope she loses all the weight, it's not looking too good right now.
Man I know yah dont like Kim.

But justin bieber, thats some pedo stuff.

She dates all type, but its obvious she likes black men.
She married one and had a baby with one.
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