Knowing That Your Girl Friend Has Her Period Appreciation vol. Thank God!!!!!

My girl just got hers today.
a week late. While at A baby shower too.

Really thought I got her knocked up too. In between switching bc. But now no worries for 3 years
Doesn't mean anything. She can still be pregnant and have bleeding even for a few months or on a regular cycle. Some women still had their normal cycle the whole time they were pregnant, so they didn't think to get a pregnancy test until they were like 5-6 months and started showing like crazy. Most of the time that's not the case, I'm just saying, it doesn't guarantee anything. Also, smashing while she's bleeding doesn't guarantee she won't get pregnant either, for those of ya'll that are into that.
lol so funny me and my girl right now are waiting for her period to come on, had a dream where she was pregnant, got us kinda shook
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Finding out she has her period:


Thinking about it long term..



Some of Billy Hoyles posts makes me think hes just effing with us all most of the time.

this made me laugh in class...excellent execution
As much as I hate to say this, but @*%* going in raw when you get scares. =/
^When I first the clip of the shot I thought MJ kicked ol boy

But def appreciated
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