**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


Sources Describe LeBron James To Lakers As Long Shot

While speculation connecting LeBron James to the Los Angeles Lakers has been rampant, sources describe it as a long shot as of now.

The Lakers are widely expected to have enough cap space to sign two players to max contract deals provided they unload Luol Deng's contract.

James has been a free agent four times in his career and has changed teams in 2010 and 2014.

Before the season James said he "won't ever cheat my teammates or cheat the franchise ... by talking about free agency all year long, because I'm not gonna give energy to something I can handle in the summertime."

"LeBron is focused on this season and winning a championship," agent Rich Paul said. "At the appropriate time, we will explore all the options. Now is not the time."

After taking a discount with the Heat, James has sought max money since 2014.

The middle of the regular season is not the time for final decisions, but James' position on maximum contracts hasn't changed, sources said.

I don't know what to make of this. Could be true then we need to move in a different direction free agency wise. The pool of free agents who are likely to leave (I'm not really including CP3 and Durant in the mix) next summer is ugly once you look past Paul George, Lebron and Boogie. I'd hate to have made all the moves we've made in order to sign Nerlens Noel to $100m deal.

Of course these are the same insiders who said Lebron leaving Miami to go back to Cleveland was a longshot so take everything you hear with a grain of salt. :lol::lol::lol:
Josh hart making the most of his start
I remember posting that he could’ve been our starting SG...of course this was before he got hurt during training camp and prior to the KCP signing
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