**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

And what's DLo doing bruh? Care to explain how good he's playing tonight? Why don't you also put some "context" into it lol

He drove it to the hoop 3 times in 4 minutes. Converted one, missed one, made the right pass on 1.. Got 2 assists.. Was getting the ball down the court quicker on offense... And was putting effort into guarding his man from the inbounds.
LOL and Lakers deficit got bigger. How's that for context?

Nice try though. Mudiay still outclassing him big time. Mudiay still in the game and your boy fixing his curls while warming the bench.
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This game is OVER.

At this point, it's become embarrassing and yet these Lakers fans at Staples don't have the balls to boo these players.

I can almost smell it from here....oh yeah, let's make a deal.

According to some tweets the did boo the team tonight.
Does Zubac have any past knee issues or he just prefer the Ewing knee pads for no reason? Either way, love this kid.
Black putting in work tonight. Glad to see him playing hard. He's a keeper if you ask me. You can't teach hustle and pride.
Luke needs to send a message to his team and keep Russell and Moz on the bench the entire 4th quarter. 
The only thing DLo is consistent in doing is standing at the top of the key, yelling directions to his teammates in order to set up the play on offense. 
Draft Pick (Fultz?)

Future Free Agent or Trade acquisition




This folks is your future Lakers starting lineup that will get us to the playoffs in the 2019 or 2020 season.
Without a doubt. We already know he has the skills and the talent, but the intangibles are clearly there.
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While I'm not sold on the idea of D'Lo being a bust yet, I think that he's been given a pass for bad play. I feel like the proper treatment for him is somewhere in between Byron's dracionian discipline and Luke's willingness to start him night after night regardless.
^ Well said man

I've been saying for the last week or so, Luke needs to send this clown to the bench and teach him about accountability.
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