**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Vogel is what he is, an elite defensive coach (when he has the requisite defensive players) and absolutely atrocious with offense and lineups.
bro need to suck it up and compromise to get the best out of his team.. not try to force to try to get the best out of his defensive principles
They had a great comeback 3rd quarter. Shows they can have intensity, when they feel like it. Knicks made a ton of tough 3s in the 4th. Tip your cap. Can't do **** about that.

Roster still very flawed and they're going to have to be active in an attempt to improve. Need the Kings to hurry up and implode so they can send HB on down.
They had a great comeback 3rd quarter. Shows they can have intensity, when they feel like it. Knicks made a ton of tough 3s in the 4th. Tip your cap. Can't do **** about that.

Roster still very flawed and they're going to have to be active in an attempt to improve. Need the Kings to hurry up and implode so they can send HB on down.
No trade assets
They had a great comeback 3rd quarter. Shows they can have intensity, when they feel like it. Knicks made a ton of tough 3s in the 4th. Tip your cap. Can't do **** about that.

Roster still very flawed and they're going to have to be active in an attempt to improve. Need the Kings to hurry up and implode so they can send HB on down.

I really hope you meant BH and not HB 😂
this dude THT played 29 mins and scoreless huh
there are times players are scoreless but get a high +

kcp and bradley have done this before

but tht was completely worthless tonight and vogel shouldnt have played him that much if he saw him struggling on both ends.

Worst fan base in the leauge...

We have nothing to complain about....


Team is so ******* elite. We are right at the cusp of league domination. All we are missing is Nunn and Ariza. We will go from 29th to 1st by game 4.

Just wait til Russ starts taking shot seriously

Russ ain’t going nowhere. Vogel will be the scapegoat when we’re 9-11 in our first 20

there’s a reason Russ has had consecutive one-year stints, how our FO didn’t understand that is amazing

i predicted 9-11 a few weeks ago. Sad that it might actually happen if we lose to Indy.
Need to go 41-22 the rest of the way just to have a 50 win season. Not looking good
All LA 2021 team would be great


two way: Russ/Brown

Gm: Frank
Owner: Ballz

Fluffer: jeanie
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Saw this online:

Sometimes Laker post game interviews are better than the actual games...more telling, especially after a loss. Read in between the lines a bit and you can tell how guys really feel. Dwight talked about effort a few weeks ago, now here’s AB talking about a need to “want” to defend tonight. Maybe I'm just old school, but I always believe role players will follow the lead from the team's best players...so if AD, Bron and Russ are busting their behinds on defense there no excuses for the others to be slacking in that department. Probably applies on offense as well...today was a perfect example of both. Russ careless turnovers in the first half, and I believe I saw AD with 1 rebound.

Said this before, but they just aren't good enough to out talent teams...gotta grind to earn wins now. No energy or urgency until they got down but by then it was to great of a hill to overcome. Seems like some of you guys in here care more about these games than some of the players do, and that's a problem.
Effort for sure can be better but you have lineups out there with Melo, Monk and Ellington who are all not only poor defenders but low IQ ones so missed assignments are all over the place. AD and Bron took it seriously in 2020 and that definitely filtered down to the rest of the squad. They are the leaders of the team and everything starts with them.
Vogel just has not done a good job with lineups. 30 minutes with THT stinking it up. Why not play Rondo or Bazemore?
I need the Lakers to make some trades. I dont care who they trade, just make some moves. This team just doesn't have the consistent energy needed to win nite in nite out and guys like Monk, Ellington, Bazemore are nothing but liabilities and wasted space that can be used to get a couple high IQ prime TAriza-RFox type wing defenders
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Wings are arguably the most coveted position in the NBA, going to take a lot more than 3 minimum contract one dimensional players to get a trade done.

If you aren't cooking up trade scenarios that involve THT and/or Nunn it's a waste of time.

*Not trying to come off a certain type of what, just being realistic.
Keep THT, trade Westbrook.

If no takers for Russ, then trade THT and/or Nunn plus the Three Stooges, Three Amigos, Three Blind Mice, whatever you wanna call Ellington, Monk, and Bazemore. I'm done with those 3.
So if you want to trade Russ it’s simple…find a trade partner that isn’t rebuilding, needs a point guard, and has $40 million in salary to make the money work.

Now, I have two scenarios that WILL NOT happen under any circumstances but would be kinda interesting if they did so here goes…

1) Russ for Kyrie. Nets do this because they’d get someone who’s actually playing this season, and with their shooting + Russ attacking the rim it would be a neat fit.
2) Russ for CP3. Suns do this to take the shorter contract, and free up some money so they can max Ayton.

Of course neither of these solves the wing/defensive issues but at least RW would be gone and some of you all would be happy 😂
a kd harden russ reunion would be 🔥

but nobody is trading for westbrook.

hate to beat a dead horse but buddy heild would have probably thrived offensively with bron and ad. a shooter that is not afraid to shoot.

tht still looks inconsistent on both sides of the court.
No one taking russ lol

i love THT and he my son but idk man if it cost him to fix the roster (for defensive wing depth/point of attack defender) it might be worth it lol
a kd harden russ reunion would be 🔥

but nobody is trading for westbrook.

hate to beat a dead horse but buddy heild would have probably thrived offensively with bron and ad. a shooter that is not afraid to shoot.

tht still looks inconsistent on both sides of the court.
Ya this probably more or less mainly on Bron imo
Seems to me he got tired of having to play point all the time and to save energy so he was super infatuated with an above average playmaker that can carry the offense/passing for 3 qtrs every game (even tho Russ is a TO machine)
Not gonna win **** if there's three to four negative defensive players on the floor at the same time.
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