**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

How did we go from LeBron offering to take less than the max for an impact player (assuming this player would also be taking a pay cut…and I told yall he wasn’t doing it for no Jonas V) to no one wants to play with Lebron? 😂

Also, the Lakers need to ship some guys out to make room for FA signing. We know no one wants DLo, Wash couldn’t get rid of Rui fast enough, same with Vando in Utah. Gabe was hurt most of the season so his value is tanked, and JHS is coming off a rookie season where most people described him as a bum.

So it’s probably going to take something like DLo, Rui and the 3 firsts in these negotiations to get something done.

Eh, he took less money and years. Is what it is.

Yea, but this concerns me even more.

We dodged a bullet. 20 mil for Klay IN FOUR YEARS? At age 38?!?!?!?

And his dad works here, and we still got turned down. This is saying ALOT.

Bring back Magic. :lol:
DDR great mid-range guy. We'd be knocking down 2s at high efficiency with: Bron, AD, DDR and would lose the math game to teams chucking 3s

Guys just get ready for marginal moves. Nothing big is coming. That's been the story of this franchise for a decade plus now minus the AD and Russ trade.
Can we pull DDR and trade for Grant (without giving up the farm) Would Bron be good with that and take less?

If he takes that Max, it limits us during the deadline too.... :frown:
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