Lakers Fans beat up Celtics Fans at Staples Center

Real disgusting behavior. Perhaps some words were exchanged and you might say that's the way things are, but it's a problem when a fan of the opposingteam can't wear his team's jersey to a game. It's really just a game and those people are nothing but losers.
Violence at any public event where young children maybe present -
. Doesn't matter if this happened in LA, Boston, Beijing, London, etc. Us grown folks gotta learn how to behave sometimes.
that almost happened last night at Nationals Sports Bar in Orange. One Celtic fan just opening his mouth way too much. Plus the alky had something to do withit too.
a man should be able to wear a damn jersey and root for his team wherever he pleases without getting punches thrown at him. now we do not know who instigatedthis fight, but from reading the responses of people who were there it seemed as if it were laker fans instigating. $#% is this country coming too?
People need to leave people alone. If that Celtic fan wanted a peice of A Laker fan, fine, have at it. No need for a bunch of otherguys to jump in. Dude was tryin to watch his team play a game. Come on.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Los Angelenos at their finest

Reminds me of a Dodgers - Giants game in the pavilions.

15 dollar tickets to get into the staples to watch a lakers game? YOU NO all them mexicans was going to be deep in there and ready to get down
Originally Posted by 18th letter

damn they mad because they lost.

Those guys aren't real fans.

why would you want to attend something like that as "celtic" fan in LA? i know its pretty expensive to get finals tickets but you just asking for
trouble going to something like that.

so what if someone wanted to wear a Pierce jersey? Than what?

I got no problem with someone rocking a Celtic jersey at Game 3 of the Finals. But to go to a Laker Showing at Staples, which is designed for Laker fans torally around their team rocking a Celtic jersey is asking for trouble (even if its a Paul Pierce jersey).

I don't think dude deserved to get mobbed on because he paid to get inside but you can't help but think he came there just to show up Laker fans. I amalso pretty sure he got in some remarks when the Celtics were up 24pts.
When they pay good money to be at game 3 (if what happened last night happens tomorrow) or any event and the refs steal the pleasure of being there, you gonnathrow punches.
Violence at any public event where young children maybe present -
. Doesn't matter if this happened in LA, Boston, Beijing, London, etc. Us grown folks gotta learn how to behave sometimes.

i wouldn't be suprised if he wasn't even a celtic fan at all. half the people wearing celtic jerseys or beat la shirts just purchased them within thepast few days around here and it seems more of them are trying to make an anti laker statment then actually being celtic fans. hell i wouldn't be suprisedif dude was just anti lakers rather then being a celtic fan at all. most likely he ran his mouth to get what he had comming though, he didnt deserve to getbeat up but he should have used better judgement to know that hes going to be around a bunch of drunk laker fans and that alcohol makes people act irrational.thats like me going to the fleetcenter or whatever its called now to watch game 3 on the big screen dressed in nothing but purple and gold and if i startrunning my mouth during the eventual laker victory, most likely ill be getting it from a bunch of angry celtic fans,
I wanted to go 2 this for game 2 but they showed the kind of people that were there on the news after game 1 and i was like hell no. If your a celtics fan youneed to realize this is not a real game that tickets are over $300 and people like the ones shown will not be attending because they cant afford tickets, thisis a $15 event so expect to be around $15 $!% people. I have seen people in LA get beat up for much less, so why even put yourself in that situation? Im surethat guy thought it was all fun and games untill he got punched. I wore a lakers jersey to a clipers game and got into it with dude that wares the blue and redclown outfit but it was all in fun i would never have done that if it were a situation like this in the gang capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Los Angelenos at their finest

Reminds me of a Dodgers - Giants game in the pavilions.

15 dollar tickets to get into the staples to watch a lakers game? YOU NO all them mexicans was going to be deep in there and ready to get down
thats what i wanted to say in my post but without offending my Mexican NT brothers
but its true, my girl is mexican and she cosigned whit the smhmexicans.
1) This WILL be another reason for haters to talk about Laker fans on here. Book it.
2) Are we really that surprised? He was at a Laker showing for Laker's the equivalent of a UM fan going to a bar in Columbus...andyapping...he's going to catch a beating.
Historically, Los Angeles fans and the city of Los Angeles are some of if not the most gracious hosts in sport. It is fans elsewhere that abuse visiting fansand players.

I find it amazing how people associated with the Celtics of the 60's, 70's and 80's say that providing a crappy visitors locker room was brilliant"gamesmanship" and having Celtic fans calling and honking their horns outside of the hotel, in which the Lakers were staying, was an example of"dedicated fans."

If anything, we Laker fans need to see this as payback and this is not an end but a beginning, we need to disrupt the Celtics when they are not playing andmake this the worse week of their lives. Seeing as how soft Lamar and Pau have thus far proved to be in this series, these guerilla tactics are needed if weare gonna win a game leave alone sweep this home stand.

Our roster may be willing to let themselves get punched in the face repeadedly and just take it. Someone associated with the Lakers needs to star punchingback, literally or figuratively.
How is having fans fighting in public a positive guerrilla tactic that is going to help the Lakers win the series?

This isn't the jungles of Bolivia, it's the NBA Finals and if you think that another fan incident is going to be good for the NBA or the Lakers, youare sorely mistaken.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by 18th letter

damn they mad because they lost.

Those guys aren't real fans.

why would you want to attend something like that as "celtic" fan in LA? i know its pretty expensive to get finals tickets but you just asking for
trouble going to something like that.

so what if someone wanted to wear a Pierce jersey? Than what?

I got no problem with someone rocking a Celtic jersey at Game 3 of the Finals. But to go to a Laker Showing at Staples, which is designed for Laker fans to rally around their team rocking a Celtic jersey is asking for trouble (even if its a Paul Pierce jersey).

I don't think dude deserved to get mobbed on because he paid to get inside but you can't help but think he came there just to show up Laker fans. I am also pretty sure he got in some remarks when the Celtics were up 24pts.


The guy knew what kind of trouble he could get into as soon as he stepped into that building. I was there for game 1 and there were some green sprinkledamongst the sea of purple and gold. The only difference was that they weren't throwing up gang signs or making obvious gestures to show boat Laker fans,and the ones who did....ended up getting kicked out by police and those red coats.

But this one, wow...

IMO, it wasn't about the game at all, it was about their gang/hood/etc. Notice how dude still throwing up gang signs BEHIND the red coats like he's bigor something.
I understand the trash talk between fans, but to use physical violence because of sports rivalry is just plain immature and dumb.

It's both scary and sad to see people going with the crowd by jumping into action and/or promoting the act of violence.

They should be ashamed of themselves.
pretty embarassing as a Laker fan... we're supposed to be the 'laid back', fan, who talks crap, and usually fans of other teams beat us up

Anyway, this is sad
Some people take sports too seriously.

yet on the other hand, if it was a Laker fan getting beat up, alot of you would be doing this

anyway, embarrassing for laker fans everywhere
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