Laughing in public while on NT...

Oct 27, 2005
This is definitely why I stay on NT still for the laughs but damn I just lol'ed in a cafe more than a chimp eats nuts. This coming from the Asiandescrimination post alone.
I stay getting the
Lol who cares? Some random folk lookin at me aint makin what I'm readin no less funny...they can get down on the ground 4 all I care...
I'd rather laugh in public while looking on the net or at a text message than laughing randomly to myself about a joke from before.
Worst time was in an elevator.
I almost burst out LOL in the library when I was doing a report. It was during midterms and I looked on NT and saw the Lil Wayne condom ad with Birdman photoshopped on it. I left before I embarrassed myself.
I do it all the time. I did it in my CRIM class when I was looking at people lurking in the background post.
when I do it..i usually get asked whats funny.. then show them...and they think im a cornball..
its unappreciated when they ask what's so funny and you attempt to explain..ans they be like...yeah...real funny...ha...ha
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