LEGIT CHECK Cool Grey 4s

Sep 4, 2012
I found a pair of DS Cool Grey 4s for the best price i've seen in years.  Of course I impulsively purchased them and now here I am asking for the NT community to put my mind at ease.
I was worried about them being made in taiwan, since other legit pairs I've seen were made in china.  Heard that in 2004 both were up and running. Here are pics of tag and box.
Yea these are 100% legit. Taiwan is where ALL the Js used to be made. Im not sure exactly when they switched to China but i really wish they never did cause the Taiwan pairs were so much better. Like these for instance.
exactly man :lol:

i hate how dudes think widows peaks=fakes

hell, kicks from 3-4 years ago had widows peaks on em

So my laser 4's that I ordered online in 2005 from the Jordan website are fake??? Because they also have widows peaks on the heel tab.. Lol
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