Legit check Jordan Concord 11

The carbon fiber looks off. Shouldn't there be a slight blue tint on the soles. And the cover should be darker..
Appreciate the feedback looked at other legit checks on concords in the forum and I can't tell.
Looks GM to me as well. from88 is spot on , the 23 is very suspect.  Also soles seem rather milky like the initial run of GM Concords.
Most definitely. I wont be surprised when the day comes that they come up with a replica identical to authentic pairs to the T. There a few to look out for that have close replicas. 1's, 3's, 4's, and the most popular 11's.
Yeah its crazy. I seen replica bred 1s, toro 4s and concords that are so good. You could barely tell unless you see a receipt or something. Haha
Sometimes receipts are bait too.. What a lot of people are doing now are buying legit RD pairs from retail, keeping them for themselves, picking up some GM's from somewhere and selling them with the retail box, and receipt from the authentic ones.. Gotta watch out for them...
23 does look a tad stretched IMO, also as stated above there does not seem to be enough yellowing for my taste.. Need better pix to be 100% but im thinking GM on these too.
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