LESSONS LEARNED IN 2007 (Yes, A little early)

*Only fear god*
*Nothing lasts Forever*
*Let ya fam know you love them before they can't smell the roses*
*The loudest in the room is the weakest*
*Mc's really don't freestyle no more*
*Stop doing foolish $!@@*
Invest more spend less

Procrasinate less work harder

- Dont open girl problem threads if theirs not a picture -
thru hard work i can accomplish anything

don't be afraid to put it on the line for a loved one

support of peers, family, and friends should not be underestimated

LIFE IS SHORT - live it to the fullest

that being said^^ i have to have more fun

i can work hard professionally and on my own time

i don't need to spend my money on crap!!! i will make better purchases
-just when you think its bad, it'll get worse..

-just when you think its good, it'll get better..

-the person that loves you when you're at your losest point is probably there to stay.

-family sometimes is just people with the same blood.
Originally Posted by djp 510

-How to treat my girlfriend, I'm single now because of it and I've realized all the stuff I should have done, and will do from now on
helll yeahh
what's immasculating? do you mean emasculating?
Anways my lesson learned is that I should always follow my first instinct with girls.
The Florida lifestyle can corrupt even the nicest people.
It really isn't better to have loved and lost, then to have not loved at all.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

*sex during the monthly aint that bad.
#+%% the same... Its just a blood bath, and better chance of getting the girl pregnant

EDIT: stupid censor, good looks
So...murder scenes turn you on?

I never said I was turned on by it... It's the truth like someone else said in the thread and I'm sure you know yourself...

$+!! ain't the same.
It may seem "moist" but when you look down and discover that the moisture is actually the red...auto-turnoff. I can't do it. She needs to know if her cycle is done done.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

-just when you think its bad, it'll get worse..

-just when you think its good, it'll get better..

-the person that loves you when you're at your losest point is probably there to stay.

-family sometimes is just people with the same blood.
-not too many really care when you're gone.

-live for self-happiness
- People are trash.
- Only person you really have is your self.. then your only good if you have money.
- Money is 99 % of everything 1% is your smell ..
- Light days go hard.
-Every girl has a little wh*r3 in them no matter who they are
- Trust noone except for your family because nothing is deeper than blood
- Whenever your down remember how much better you live than many people in this world
-Soon is never soon enough, but then you look back and you realize it wasn't a very long wait at all. I can't wait for soon.
Originally Posted by The Prince of LA

-Every girl has a little wh*r3 in them no matter who they are
- Trust noone except for your family because nothing is deeper than blood
- Whenever your down remember how much better you live than many people in this world
yep thats true found that out this year
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