let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

2. The possible fact that he has become D'Antoni's closer; this will get really interesting when Carmello gets back.
Son, what world are you living in? When did he become Pringles closer? That's not a possible fact. If Melo was playing he would've took the last shot. You can't be serious right now when it comes to taking clutch shots.

Stop chugging the kool-aid.

See "possible", which accounts for a certain level of doubt and uncertainty; and see the tweet about him getting the ok from 'Antoni for an ISO (not a big deal with many mins to play in a game, but for a final play, that's worth something). In the few games he's been given the opportunity, HE HAS PROVEN that he can score and score big. Why is him being a closer out of the realm of "possibility". 
My statement took nothing away from Carmello being the first option; i only hinted that the two of 'em together down the line in the game would be interesting.

Quit being argumentative for the sake of it.

Because a few hot games doesn't outweigh a career of being a crunch time assassin. Melo IS the closer on this team. There will be opportunities for Lin and even Amare depending on matchups, but Melo is always a mismatch. You don't want your PG to be your scorer/closer. He's filled that role because we've needed him to but ideally you want him as a facilitator who can score, not the other way around. If we aren't getting production from Amare and Melo than by all means bombs away, but best case scenario Lin averages 16-20 and 8+ dimes.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

poor Douglas
I've never seen anyone shout out his teammates more after a great win than Lin. This guy could literally drop 50 points and be like "man, Jeffries with that layup in the 1st quarter, Bill Walker with that single defensive stop that he had all season, Toney Douglas keeping me company when I rest on the bench, and Baron making sure his beard was trimmed before the game..Those are all a part of why we won tonight"
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've never seen anyone shout out his teammates more after a great win than Lin. This guy could literally drop 50 points and be like "man, Jeffries with that layup in the 1st quarter, Bill Walker with that single defensive stop that he had all season, Toney Douglas keeping me company when I rest on the bench, and Baron making sure his beard was trimmed before the game..Those are all a part of why we won tonight"


So true.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've never seen anyone shout out his teammates more after a great win than Lin. This guy could literally drop 50 points and be like "man, Jeffries with that layup in the 1st quarter, Bill Walker with that single defensive stop that he had all season, Toney Douglas keeping me company when I rest on the bench, and Baron making sure his beard was trimmed before the game..Those are all a part of why we won tonight"

but its true though. dude is crazy humble...
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've never seen anyone shout out his teammates more after a great win than Lin. This guy could literally drop 50 points and be like "man, Jeffries with that layup in the 1st quarter, Bill Walker with that single defensive stop that he had all season, Toney Douglas keeping me company when I rest on the bench, and Baron making sure his beard was trimmed before the game..Those are all a part of why we won tonight"
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

2. The possible fact that he has become D'Antoni's closer; this will get really interesting when Carmello gets back.
Son, what world are you living in? When did he become Pringles closer? That's not a possible fact. If Melo was playing he would've took the last shot. You can't be serious right now when it comes to taking clutch shots.

Stop chugging the kool-aid.

See "possible", which accounts for a certain level of doubt and uncertainty; and see the tweet about him getting the ok from 'Antoni for an ISO (not a big deal with many mins to play in a game, but for a final play, that's worth something). In the few games he's been given the opportunity, HE HAS PROVEN that he can score and score big. Why is him being a closer out of the realm of "possibility". 
My statement took nothing away from Carmello being the first option; i only hinted that the two of 'em together down the line in the game would be interesting.

Quit being argumentative for the sake of it.

It's not a possible fact though and if you really think it is it's just as much of a possible fact as Pringles having Novak as his closer when Melo returns. I just have to assume you don't watch these games or don't understand. Him getting the okay in this game has nothing to do with what will happen when Melo returns. Obviously Lin is a good option for one on one iso in that game given the game he's had and has been having. It doesn't change the entire approach of who the closer is for the Knicks in close games.
Man I missed the game. My coworker told me we were down like 10+ in like the 4th. I was like

Then he tells me we won

It's unreal how much he has changed things in barely 2 weeks
We get Jorts back and that should be a Big addition to the bench.

Baron and Shump could be a very potent combo off the bench...Lin will need a backup as solid as Baron
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've never seen anyone shout out his teammates more after a great win than Lin. This guy could literally drop 50 points and be like "man, Jeffries with that layup in the 1st quarter, Bill Walker with that single defensive stop that he had all season, Toney Douglas keeping me company when I rest on the bench, and Baron making sure his beard was trimmed before the game..Those are all a part of why we won tonight"

arrjae2 wrote:
Originally Posted by LovesIt

poor Douglas
now it's over.
Does Lin have any close relatives that have died? Because if so, I think I saw a movie back in the day that describes exactly what is going on right now

Spoiler [+]
Shump and Chandler won that game just as much as Lin.

A couple of games it looks like a STAT and Lin pnr could be deadly.

I really don't care for anybody opinion on this but Toney has to get 10 mins. Lin is gonna burnout
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Shump and Chandler won that game just as much as Lin.

I agree, but how great is it having defenders on this team?! Melo, STAT, Lin, Novak, and Shump (when he plays smart) are all good offensively, but now we have Shump, Tyson, and Jared that can step it up defensively when the team needs some stops. That's huge. A lot of fans talk about how great the team was offensively before Melo, but that team had a lot of trouble making big stops late in games. This team can be down 6 with 2 minutes to go and you can feel confident that we have a shot to win because the defense can make stops. When was the last time any Knicks' fans felt that confidence?
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Linsanity aside for a minute...

Shump for the All Defensive team, straight up
He's too wild and raw right now.. but he has the tools. I'm looking forward to him getting better as a defender.
Yea. People are sincerely missing the greatest miracle J-Lin has committed.

I like _ared _effries now, no J and all. How, in 2012, is that possible? In God we Lin.
since lin, even jared has produced more and contributed more to each win. dude draws fouls like theres no 2mrw. plus his scoring has increased. the pick and roll that lin is building with stat/tyson is serious. shump is that dude, his defense is crazy...4th in league with steals.

novak shouldn't play PF imo, he's been playing like a sg this whole time.. his inside game isn't near stat's at all but he shoots like a guard, and is DAMN good at 3s.

lin was the only one giving credit to shump, jared, chandler, literally saying they won the game jsut as much as he did. real humble dude
It's really hard to believe. If someone came to me 2 weeks ago and said they were from the future and said "Jeremy Lin will be the starting PG of the Knicks..With Melo and Amar'e out for a week, the Knicks will go 5-0, and in Amare's first game back, Lin will hit a game winning 3 off an ISO play" I'd probably smack the space kufi off their head.
What an epic ending for Lin.. 6 in a row is exactly what this team needed as we get closer to all star break.. Douglas should Def be getting some burn though.. he can still do some scoring off the bench lol. like I've stated earlier in the thread, if we get Melo back and we are playing team ball.. we are gonna do damage.. I know prices are crazy right now.. but we need a TeamNYK summit. Real talk.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

only lins highlights
but you can see him ask dantoni for the iso
Lol @ B Diddy giving daps to a random dude in the crowd at 2:14 during the commotion
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